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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. that is because they are just there being used as props. this speech should have been done from the oval office, not a military base!!!! It was just to make it seem like the armed forces are all for him. Everyone there knew they were there just for show and nothing more :mad:

    DING DING DING!!! WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! I wondered if anyone would catch it. This is just like him visiting wounded soldiers, THEY WERE PHOTO OPS!!

  2. nah, that's not what i'm saying... I'm saying that if they're having a hard time getting it right, they should be more careful. And perhaps if psychological is going to be used, they should be pretty damn certain that its not an innocent person its being used on.


    ok one out of hundreds, thousands? Phycological is better than physical, esp if, and that a BIG if, they are innocent.

  3. wasn't there a guy at guantanamo that they figured out was completely innocent? Things like that make me think even psychological torture of the sorts isn't right...

    Also, there was a story on US news about how contractors were caught and hung to death in a city square a while ago.... "contractors" on the other side of the story, it was well known within that country that those "contractors" were actually people who were out to kill their leader. I'm not saying who was right and who was wrong, just really that there's two sides to every story...

    So, based on one peron being innocent, we should all treat them as innocent? Sorry but life isnt fair, and when it comes to the safety of our country, well shit happens. And before someone says "Well what if it was you?" Well I'm gonna need a really good lawyer and a prayer. But do you know the reasons why he was in Gitmo? They didn't arrest him for the fun of it, something gave them reasoning to jail him.

  4. So I guess Hitler or Joseph Mengele were SUSPECTED criminals huh? They were never put on trial.

    Really dude, are you for real or just fucking around?

    Hey, who are you to use logic around here. LOL

  5. Ok, let me revise... I am, without a doubt, FOR torture and punishment for CONVICTED criminals... for punishment AND/OR to get more information.

    But I am never, nor will I ever, be in favor of any form of torture for SUSPECTED criminals. Due process is a right.

    Due process is a right awarded by our laws for US citizens, not prisoners of war.

  6. The only difference between "an underage student drinking" and "a suspected terrorist" is just that... "suspected"

    Like I said before, I suspect you of being a terrorist... prove me wrong....

    But whats his face wasnt suspected, he admitted to the 9/11 attacks

  7. Would I let my under 16 year old child on this site without heavy supervision.... FUCK NO ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! iF YOU WOULD THATS FINE BUT YOU AND SOCIETY WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE CONSEQUENCES. that would be your bag of nails to carry. some of the events would be ok but be aware that they have ears and they hear shit.

    pst, hey...you are society....

  8. most likely mid december when i go up to get the guns. still need to work out some details as to get these guns into my name, my gma is the executor right now shouldn't be hard at all.

    im going to first make sure they all have paperwork or at least verified by serial to make sure everything is legit.

    is it diff in MI? when my grandfather died, my grandma gave away his guns(to family), no paper work or anything.

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