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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. I have some 'mad' money saved up in a jar' date=' inside a mattress, under a rock.. I sent Ben a text. If this pooch is good with our Porter.. I will take him home. I wasn't planning on another dog until next summer, at the earliest, but I can't bear the idea of a good pooch being put down for lack of room/funds/whatevs.[/quote']

    +1 to you. Thats awesome.

  2. we actually did tactical stuff....... just saying. like firing from behind cover and moving and shooting also

    Thats how it should be. If you CC and you need to shoot, the bad guy isn't gonna sit there with a target on his chest. You can study on paper all you want but that doesn't mean anything compared to live fire time. But rules is rules I guess.

  3. The check scanning is awesome, but for some reason it cant read my checks. What are you doing with hardcopy checks?! I assume youre DoD, what happened to direct deposit?

    Not DoD. Prior Active Army and NG. It was direct deposit for me then. But now as a civilian, my place of employment doesn't do DD. Try taking a piece of black paper, cut it to be a little bigger than your check. When you go to scan, put your check down with the black paper on top. Flip check over, repeat. I used to have problems scanning before but since I started doing this, not one problem, ever. Well good luck with your loan. Hope all works out. Buy a Chevy FTW! :D

  4. Its not the same as the other loans through USAA. Though its not completely free, any investor with a little investment savvy can turn this easily into atleast a 5% return.

    Okay, please don' take this as an insult or that I am being a jerk...but are you an investor or have you talked to an investor concerning this then? And I dont mean an investor on the USAA payroll? Just trying to understand is all. :D

    Oh and on a side note: did you know you can deposit checks at home through your scanner? Thats how I deposit our paychecks, didnt know if you knew. Cool feature.

  5. honestly i could care less about the range time.. i mean im sure i could learn some stuff, but id rather know the ins and outs of the law for conceal carry, what to do what not to do in certain instances, places i can and cant go, etc etc.. so 12 hours for the class is no biggie for me

    I just feel 2 hours of range time isn't enough to put whhat you learned to good use. Maybe something like class time, range, class range to break it up a little. But no matter what, you need to keep up on your skills after the class and go shoot. Regardless of what we feel should be taught, the law says what it says. People who (think?) they know better have put the law there whether they shoot or not. Just saying thats how it is. I think a lot of instructors are also willing to let people shoot more that 2 hours, some classes Ive seen are 14 or so hours....

  6. I have USAA. Savings, checking, auto loan, insurance... They are really good with the military BUT they are a business out to make money. This isn't like a GI Bill. This is a loan. I would much rather not have another loan to pay off. And it is not FREE money, they is no such thing.

  7. It really shouldn't take 10 hrs to cover that stuff but it's all good.

    No you're right, that does seem like a long time. I would think more range time would be better. You can study on paper how to ride a motorcycle all you want, but you won't get better that way. I think 6/6 would be a better way. But again, I have not taken the class so I dont know. But I am turning in my CCW permit application in on Tues! YAY!!!

  8. but range time and book time can be traded so you can do like 6 and 6 i believe.

    Nope 10/2

    R.C. 2923.125(G)(1)(a) sets out the minimum educational requirements

    necessary to receive competency certification.

    R.C. 2923.125(G)(1)(b) describes the minimum amount of range and livefire

    experience required to receive competency certification.

    (G)(1) Each course, class, or program described in division (B)(3)(a), (b), ©, or (e) of this section shall provide to each person who takes the course, class, or program a copy of the pamphlet prepared by the Ohio peace officer training commission pursuant to section 109.731 of the Revised Code that reviews firearms, dispute resolution, and use of deadly force matters. Each such course, class, or program described in one of those divisions shall include at least twelve hours of training in the safe handling and use of a firearm that shall include all of the following:

    (a) At least ten hours of training on the following matters:

    (i) The ability to name, explain, and demonstrate the rules for safe handling of a handgun and proper storage practices for handguns and ammunition;

    (ii) The ability to demonstrate and explain how to handle ammunition in a safe manner;

    (iii) The ability to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to shoot a handgun in a safe manner;

    (iv) Gun handling training.

    (b) At least two hours of training that consists of range time and live-fire training

  9. Why is it 12 hour BTW?

    I thought CCW was an 8 hour course?

    AG Handbook states:

    The law sets out minimum educational requirements that are a

    component of the various forms of competency certification as set

    forth on page 2. The total time required for training is 12 hours: 10

    hours of instruction and another two hours of experience shooting a


    The law requires at least 10 hours of certified training in the following


    • The ability to name, explain, and demonstrate the rules for safe

    handling of a handgun and proper storage practices for handguns

    and ammunition;

    • The ability to demonstrate and explain how to handle ammunition

    in a safe manner;

    • The ability to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitude

    necessary to shoot a handgun in a safe manner;

    • Gun-handling training.

    Additionally, you must have two hours of practical training including

    range time and live-fire experience. The applicant must also complete

    an examination that tests his or her competency. The test must include

    a written section on the ability to name and explain the rules for the

    safe handling of a handgun and proper storage practices for handguns

    and ammunition. Additionally, the exam must include a physical

    demonstration of competency on handgun usage and rules for safe

    handling and storage of a handgun, and an examination requiring the

    physical demonstration of the attitude necessary to shoot a handgun

    in a safe manner.

  10. I have only met him a couple of times while he was home on leave, but I do see his wife, little girl and mother-in-law every week in church. He is finally coming home from Iraq. The PGR is going to be at his welcome home, but I thought I would post this in a seperate thread since I know him. If anyone from OR would like to come, it would be a great thank you to him. If you need any more information, please PM me. Thanks

    Welcome Home Mission

    PFC Tim Scott Phillips

    Johnstown, Ohio

    US Army


    Johnstown Community Center

    185 West Maple Street

    Johnstown, Ohio

    12 December 2009@1500hrs – 2100hrs- (3:00pm-9:00pm)


    Johnstown Community Center

    12 December 2009@ 1400hrs-(2:00pm)

    Mission Location


    District #5 Captain John Perry is assigned this welcome home. Please follow his instructions and dress per the weather conditions. Remember to bring your 3x5 American flags. Please use your own judgment on how you get to the mission if there is inclement weather. We will be standing a WELCOME HOME Flag line. Once this is over with we are complete with our mission.


    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  11. Lame. The show has nothing but over priced stuff... I was looking for an XD 40 sub compact or Glock 27 and everything was $70-$100 plus more than Vance's has them for...


    Thats the kind of stuff I have heard. Those types of sales usually are. I went to the "clearance" sale at Westland awhile back, and items really werent all that inexpensive, mostly cheap junk anyways.

  12. Yes and yes. :rolleyes: what venue are you applyling this too. I'm not saying we should waterboard an OSU student for undrage drinking. I'm saying if you live in TrashCanastan and have a weapons cache or plastique residue you're gonna get flexicuffes and blackbagged. Iean did I miss something that said we were WBing whole villages?

    And before you say it, I DO believe there is a differance between an OSU student and a Taliban/AlSharpton supporter.

    This reminds me of one of my fav quotes.

    Let the rough men handle the bad shit so your bitch ass can sleep at night. -George "Jagr" Orwell. ;)

    Where is TrashCanastan? Sounds like a lovely place :rolleyes::lol:

    Anyways...waterboaring, if done correctly, does not really physically harm the person. And people that get waterboarded are people that are considered to have useful information in conjunction with terrorism/ a crime af very large proportions. Like Jagr said, an underage OSU student isn't going to get waterboarded. If you don't want to be waterboarded, DON'T COMMIT CRIMES OF TERRORISM. Is it really that hard?

  13. Okay, I came across this PDF and found it a very interesting read. It is 95+ pages long, but a good reference. Hope you enjoy it. Make sure you save it for offline reading Enjoy.


    Edit: Found this LMAO funny:

    Fact: According to the Supreme Court, criminals do not have to obtain licenses or

    register their weapons, as that would be an act of self-incrimination.97

    97 Haynes vs. U.S. 390 U.S. 85, 1968.

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