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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. arguingOnTheInternet.gif

    You're all fucking retarded... I've yet to see one political discussion here that ended with a single one of you saying "you know, there's something to be seen here... maybe we can find a middle ground"

    And that's why government never gets anything done... you can't please all the people all the time.

    Where have you been on the ones Ive posted on? I think the one JRMiii and I were so active on, I said basically the same thing so.....


  2. No problem. I've had the opportunity to see both sides and it helps a bit. There are still areas I just don't get. Wright-Patt for example contracts out gate guards and that doesn't make sense to me. I don't see how it works from a cost perspective and I would think there wold be less continuity in base security. Not something I know a ton about though.

    Yeah my base in Cali did the same thing, part of that was corruption within the MP's though.

  3. No it's not better, but it's also not a regular occurrence for items like that. After the hammers incident happened quite publicly, in the '80s I think it was, it became tougher for companies to pull crap like that even if it only really happened a few times.

    I've heard of more complex or specialized equipment coming with some outrageous "support" costs, but it's still often cheaper or no cheaper than the commercial equivalent would be. Depends on what exactly it is.

    I gotcha. Like I said, I had read an article in the Army Times discussing the same thing a few years ago. I still believe the military gets taken just for the simple fact they are the military, but it probably doesn't happen as often. Thanks Fusion.

  4. Nope that's not how it occurs at all. It's a myth surrounded around rare instances where simple items are contracted with support costs bringing the cost of an item to what would be an insane amount. This doesn't happen often at all and pricing information is actually closely watched for all parts. It's one of the systems we do business intelligence work for.

    Support cost..like transportation and all? Ok so the hammer itself doesnt cost 50 bucks, but all the support involved makes it 50 bucks? That not any better.

    And civilians still makes $125,000 for 8 months in a combat zone? For doing what a soldier does at a fraction of the pay? How does that happen then??

  5. Who's to say I can't charge $50 for a hammer, if somehow I have to safely transport the hammer into the middle of a terrorist nation?

    How do we know that doing laundry in the middle of a desolate desert area isn't $15,000 a load? "Over-billing" is a very broad term that means different things to different people - could be a simple mistake, could be requoting based on 'scope creep', could be billing for more services than was actually provided.

    I suppose the reason I posted that article was to illustrate some of the costs, but if you read the title "War Fraud Whistle blowers Under Wraps"... it's more to show that even the people that want to STOP all this are being stopped from whistle blowing, because of the lobbying of private contractors.

    There are no "$50 hammers."

    Lol, yes there are actually. What happens is the military looks for a company to buy hammers from. Companies bid, then the military selects one. So they lock into a "loose" contract with Hammer-R-Us and starts to buy ONLY from them. Then the company says well we know you have to buy from us, so instead of .32 per hammer, we are going to charge 50, cause you are the military and have money, and we want it. Blackwater, KBR, etc make a shit ton of money doing some of the same jobs our troops do. BUT, things like doing your own laundry for example can be tough for some troops because of the hours and missions they run. I knew guys that were in OIF 1 and wore the same uniform for a month. I do think the civilain companies are a huge drain on our military, but some of them are needed, but they shouldnt be charging 3,000 bucks for a minifridge(Army Times news article about 3 years ago)

  6. You know how a silent auction works right? There is no, "Well, if I knew 'x' bid $50, I would've bid $55"

    You put your bottom dollar of what you're willing to pay as a buyer and that's it. If you wanted it at $55, you PM him $55... if it's worth $60 to someone else, then thats the top bid. It saves the seller hassle, and we won't get into pissing matches on the forum. All you need to know if you don't win, is that the gun was worth more to someone else than you.


    Per the link I'm suggesting a "First-price sealed bid Auction"

    Okay, I see what your saying, I don't do silent auctions, only live ones. But again, if I said 55, some one else said 60, I may be willing to go 65 but since I dont know I cant bid that. If you do a live auction, or whatever they are called, you do get into bidding wars which usually ups the final bid. Being able to see what some elese has bid allow you to up the bid. I don't know, silent auctions just sound like crap to me.

  7. Yea...I dunno how else you'd be able to run a silent auction on here.

    Just an idea - you might make out better and no bitching between members. Top bid is top bid, no $324... no $325, $326, 326.50...

    But then the seller has to keep going back and saying no your not top bidder. If I bid 50 bucks and dont know 75 was current, i may be willing to go 100 but if i dont know, im not gonna bid. you just open the thread to bids ONLY. If you type in anything else but a bid, you lose your right to bid in that sale. First post should be the iten and rules. Nothing other than a bid, incriments of 5 dollars, or whatever. And plus PM could get VERY confusing. On a thread when it shuts down, last post with highest bid wins.

  8. ha classic OR dibbing.

    speaking of which, i sent casper a message regarding the rules of the forum, but also wanted to see what you guys thought:

    considering how many people may want these guns, would it be fair to leave the FS thread open for 24 hours and whoever has posted the highest price gets it so that everyone who wants one get a fair shot at getting these guns? or first come first serve and if you're working or schooling when these get posted sucks to be you?

    Hmm ohio-riders.org. "A place for riders in and around ohio, and auction site." Doesn't really have a ring to it lol.

    I think that might actually be a cool idea. It's got my vote Casper, although I don't know what kind of legal waters you could be treading...:confused:

  9. Confirmed Mission

    SrA Donald Nelson Keeton, 42

    Springfield, Ohio

    USAF Veteran of Desert Storm


    Burcham Funeral Home

    119 East Main street

    Fairborn, Ohio 45324

    03 December 2009@1700-2000hrs-(5:00pm- 8:00pm)


    Burcham Funeral Home

    03 December 2009@ 1600 hrs-(4:00pm)


    Burcham Funeral Home

    04 December 2009@ 1000hrs-(10:00 am)


    Burcham Funeral Home

    04 December 2009@0900 hrs-(9:00 am)


    Glen Haven Cemetery

    Donaldsville, Ohio

    District #7 Ride Captain John McGee is the assigned ride captain for this mission of Honor and Respect.Please follow his instructions and dress per the weather conditions.

    Remember to bring your 3x5 American Flags and if there is inclement weather use your own judgement on how you get to the mission.

  10. Welcome Home Mission

    PFC Tim Scott Phillips

    Johnstown, Ohio

    US Army


    Johnstown Community Center

    185 West Maple Street

    Johnstown, Ohio

    12 December 2009@1500hrs – 2100hrs- (3:00pm-9:00pm)


    Johnstown Community Center

    12 December 2009@ 1400hrs-(2:00pm)

    Mission Location


    District #5 Captain John Perry is assigned this welcome home. Please follow his instructions and dress per the weather conditions. Remember to bring your 3x5 American flags. Please use your own judgment on how you get to the mission if there is inclement weather. We will be standing a WELCOME HOME Flag line. Once this is over with we are complete with our mission.


    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  11. So far' date=' no reply from Ben. I will call the shelter in the morning and if he's still there, I'll make arrangements to come and get him. I appreciate the offers to "sponsor" the pooch, but have zero idea what to ask you guys for. I feel pretty awkward asking for monetary donations, so we'll keep that on the back burner until I hear back from the shelter in the morning.[/quote']

    (food, toys, medications, doggsitting) People are willing to help there has got to be something :D

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