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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Don't know how many have seen this before. Thought it was....odd. I'm not sure how well it would work out.

    Be the first to own a Pistol Bayonet that looks as good as it works. This razor-sharp Ka-Bar® blade fits any medium to large pistol with a rail and slides on and off easily with the press of two buttons. The blade handle is constructed from 30% glass-filled nylon for strength and durability. Its carbon steel blade is sharpened to a fine edge and finished with a black Teflon® coating for protection. A LaserLyte original, the Pistol Bayonet is ready for any situation—or just looking cool on your favorite gun.


  2. he told me ten????? i kept a list of all the recipricity states and the groups they all fall in. i should find that.

    Unless they have updated recently and the multiple websites don't reflect the changes yet. I'm with Likwid tho, I'm just gonna get the PA, works for me, price is right too!

  3. there's nothing wrong with being worried about legal implications if you are a CCW holder. That being said, find a new lawyer. Secondly you can get umbrella coverage through your insurance if you're ever in a "self defense" situation and then are sued by the assailants family. This will provide you with the money to get you through a civil trial. Thirdly, if you have the mindset in a gun fight that you just want to injure him just enough to stop him... you have no business carrying a gun. Because you're just going to end up dead. If you find yourself without the mentality to go into a gun fight and be committed till the end, i.e. grouping rounds in your attackers chest until he can no longer function... you will be seriously harmed or injured. Legally you're only allowed to use deadly force if you feel you or someone else's life faces serious bodily harm or death, you also have to have duty to evade and match force with equal force. So there is no malicious intent, only self dense present. It would be like a prosecutor arguing you had malicious intent for using a .45 vs a .22. You can look at many incidents of shootings and you will find several people have made the mistake of shooting in the leg or an appendage and it didn't stop the assailant and they ended up dead or seriously injured. There's also been documented cases of assailants being shot 10 times or more before being incapacitated. If you think one or two frangible rounds is going to get it done, you just might not be prepared. If your life is depending on it... why wouldn't you want to carry the best round? I carry quality hollow points for the same reason I don't carry a "hi point" gun for self defense. I want to have the best chance possible in defending my life. If you wouldn't wear a $30 fulmer helmet when you go to the track with motorcycle... why would you carry crap ammo? Sorry for my soap box rant there... But I'll leave you with some of the best advice I ever heard from a retired LEO.

    The worst mistake you can make is thinking that you can rationalize with a criminal, that they have the same mindset you do. You do that you you might just end up dead.

    I want to make sure I clarify my previous posts to you. I have been around guns my whole life. But I have never given much thought to ammo until I started thinking about getting my CHL, which I hope to get this week. Like you had stated, if I get into a confrontation with someone trying to kill me, I;m not going to shoot him in the leg to hope he stops. It'll be on like donkey kong. But my questions about the use of frangible round stems from the fact that I live in an apartment with tennants on both sides of me. I have actually mentally gone through scenarios in my head should someone break in. Due to how the rooms are set up, this means if I were to use a FMJ, there is a high probabilty that rounds could go into the 1 year olds room next door. I will protect my familys life no matter what, but I also do not want to take an innocents life either. Now someone had mentioned "what if they wore a heavy coat" the frangible round may not penetrate. Is this really a valid argument? I don't know. I have heard this is true, but we all know how reliable "he said, she said" rumors can be. I really am not trying to be a smart ass with ammo, Only trying to learn as much as I can to neutralize the threat yet not go over board and risk killing a little kid next door.

    And in case it makes a difference in ammo, and someone may have some thoughts, I have an M&P 45 compact that will be my carry gun. I even have it on me around the apartment 99% of the time. My wife was actually making fun of me for keeping it with me all the time until the news the other day talked about the guy that broke in and just started shooting at the resident. She doesn't comment on the gun being with me any more. If this sounds paranoid, well I will protect my daughter to the best of my ability. What good does a gun do if it is upstairs where I cann't get to it in an emergency?

    I do agree with all you had said though. It is amazing how adrenaline can cause the body to still function with some bullet holes in it.

  4. went to lennox. it was a good movie, but it did get a little slow towards the end. It definitely had its funny parts. I dont know how to classify "worth seeing in a theater" so I'll just say that I wasn't disappointed.... I also got to stare at george clooney for an hour and a half though, so maybe my opinion is skewed ;)

    I'll have to check it out, but I'll probably just wait til it comes out on DVD like I usually end up doing. Although I don't have the same reasons for wanting to see it is you do. :lol:

  5. If I recall, air marshals supposedly carried frangible rounds at one point. By all accounts, they no longer do. Frangible rounds make sense on an airplane, once again, specific use case. Alternating rounds kinda defeats the purpose of the specific use case.

    I understand what you are saying about defeating the purpose, but if you separate the ammo into 2 magazines you may have to switch magazines before you fire. No matter what you carry or how you carry it, you can never be fully prepared for EVERY situation that could arise. Too many variables. was just throwing that info out there to think about is all.

  6. Sounds kinda silly. Different ammo in different mags would make more sense. Personally, I think your average JHP in your caliber of choice is the best way to go for most folks. If you are so worried about ammo that you alternate rounds in your mag, you spend WAY too much time on gun forums.

    Actually I dont think he gets on forums very much. He's been carrying about 40 years or something like that. Has pulled his gun I think 4 times, each time has saved his life. Former Air Traffic controller and air marshall.

  7. lawl, I'd rather have it and never need it than need it and not have it. I don't think anyone is out to get me, I'm just not so naive to think the world isn't a dangerous place.

    Seeing your post reminded me of this. You may have already seen it on OFCC.ORG

    I don't carry a gun to kill people. I carry a gun to keep from being killed.

    I don't carry a gun to scare people. I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place.

    I don't carry a gun because I'm paranoid. I carry a gun because there are real threats in the world.

    I don't carry a gun because I'm evil. I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the world.

    I don't carry a gun because I'm angry. I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared.

    I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone. I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed, and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.

    I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man. I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.

    I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate. I carry a gun because, unarmed and facing an armed thug, I am inadequate.

    I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.

  8. dude. all seriousness. do you walk through life thinking someones about to snatch yo ass up. if im gonna "get ya" you wont have time to do shit. i will punch you so hard and fast in the mouth you wont know what hit ya. if i pull a gun out on you im shooting. you wont see whats coming here as well. your little ccw permit is shit. relax. no ones out to get you .:D

    Woman, 70, kills intruder at motel | The Columbus Dispatch

    Full story: Columbus Dispatchicon_offsite.gif

    A 70-year-old woman who is in town for the All-American Quarter Horse Congress shot and killed a would-be robber last night at a North Side motel, police said.


  9. It's meant for specific use cases, not as an end all/be all.

    Underpenetration can be just as bad as over penetration. Think of this, if you have a self defense scenario and the bad guy takes cover behind something, consider yourself screwed.

    I know a guy real big into CC and guns, he alternates his rounds.

    twin glock fortys


  10. chevy remember it is a jury of your peers. In rural areas the view of firearms and their use is much different than the city. People living in rich affluent suburbs have a different view than those living in the hood. Your Grand jury is luck of the draw.

    Yeah I know what you mean. It's just scary that firearms have become the devil.

    Edit: It is sad they have become the devil.

  11. Too bad your attorney doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. All those ammo types you mentioned are standard hollowpoints not frangible rounds. Frangible rounds are meant to breakup on impact to avoid overpenetration. An example would be the glaser safety slugs. Hell, according to your attorney's logic, frangible ammo may be best to use for self defense since its less likely to over penetrate or ricochet.

    I'd suggest a new attorney for any gun/self defense related issues you may find yourself in.

    That is my understanding, so why do people have a problem with this type of ammo?

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