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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Hello? Is there anybody in there? (says the peni)
  2. What bunch of hooligans... LOL Glad you all had a good time!
  3. I know many of the Ohio Riders folks knew ReconRat, Thomas Barnett. Fonzie posted on his Facebook page that ReconRat has passed away. Share your memories here! I know he was HUGE into aviation, and there weren't many topics you could bring up that he didn't know about. Most people like that are full of shit, but not Tom! I really enjoyed talking with him!
  4. The 4T65E is a pain in the ass, depending on what vehicle it is in. Access to the valve body should take care of most of it, but in some vehicles it's almost easier to putt the trans. Transgo is THE kit to use, they are amazing for every application I have used them for, as long as you follow the instructions, word for word.
  5. I have one of their other models, with both views. It's awesome for looking down into a cylinder and inspecting cylinder walls. You can even angle it a bit and see the head gasket, many times. I have a LOT of tools.
  6. End of the year and post merger bump.
  7. No OR NYE party? I'm going to be in town for the CBJ (likely losing) game and staying overnight, with no plans. LOL
  8. Happy birthday @gen3flygirl I got you a bump to this thread as a gift!
  9. I'm going to be in Atlanta a few times in the next couple months. I won't be flying, as any air travel with the company has to be approved by someone WAY up, and it won't be for my 1 day training sessions that I'll be attending. Fortunately, it's only about 7 hours for me from where I now reside. However, I have had to get tested after going to these things, as someone in the group has ended up testing positive. Ugh.
  10. I thought you were out in the kayak more than the car?
  11. @gen3flygirl we're all about the bumping here...
  12. WTF is up in this beatch??? It loos pretty lame in here. Where are the hookers and blow?
  13. This thread needs a BUMP!
  14. Then don't? All you posted on there before was bicycle bullshit anyway...
  15. A (young) co-worker is on there. I'll have to ask him about it. As far as I can tell, my co-worker isn't a complete squid, only somewhat.
  16. It records in a loop, overwriting the oldest. I bought the "better" version, higher resolution cameras, 4TB hard drive. It has some really nice controls and features in it. More of the stuff I would expect in a "Professional" NVR system. I've had it running for a few months without a hiccup. I wanted the wired system over wifi, for reliability, and to keep wifi traffic at a minimum. One thing I really like is that to use the remote access, you don't setup an account to give anyone any identifying information. You mentioned a keyboard on it, I tried, it didn't work, IIRC. I will usually access it with the web interface, you just have to locate the IP address for it, and type that into your browser. It's a bit more user friendly than the mouse and monitor connected to the unit. It doesn't work in Chrome, so I use Internet Explorer. As for storage space, mine with the higher resolution cameras, only running 2 of them, I have 24/7 recordings since Feb 3, and it's just about to run out of space, and start overwriting. One thing I love about mine: I have one inside, pointing at a door, and monitoring the dining room/kitchen (kids.) I will pull up the cameras on my iPad, the use Google home to broadcast through the Google Mini, and freak the kids out! It's funny to watch! I did some research and the system is based on a Chinese system, but at a better price, with the WD name behind it. If I need to add more cameras, I might just buy a complete second system, because it comes out cheaper than 4 cameras!
  17. I thought I saw you on there last night, Danimal was telling stories about his trip, and I don't think you could get a word in! LOL
  18. That computer has seen too much, from being in your house. LOL
  19. And of course it had to be Uncle Pink...
  20. 2009 is when I joined as well. It seemed like the first 2 or 3 years on here were freakin' nuts! Some of the BS, lot's of rides, even more off topic B.S., MANY awesome memories. I'm glad to still be in contact with some of you through the Facebooks, and some I've gotten to know even more through other means. Not trying to be sappy on THIS thread, but ORDN has truly been an awesome group!
  21. I think it's a perfect time to bump this thread back to the top. @gen3flygirl @Casper
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