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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. My thoughts exactly when I saw the thread title! But isn't your .45 a compact model? That's a poor excuse for neglecting OR.
  2. jporter12


    I just setup a Google Voice number. Now I just need to get it out as a number change for any companies that might be calling me, and keep my cell number for those that I want to take calls from.
  3. jporter12


    Good idea. I never really thought of that, and since our cell phones are the only phones we have, I may try this out!
  4. Or Jimmy John's! Or like a Taxi! Can I switch mine to "Out of Service" please?
  5. I had already filled up before I saw this thread, although I'll be needing to fill the bike again tomorrow on the way home, or Friday on the way to work, and every station I passed said $3.99 on the way home tonight. Yes, gas prices frequently increase for the weekends, but it's not typically by this much, and it's on Thursday, most of the time, from what I've seen.
  6. I can vouch for how nice this bike looks and sounds! Well, unless it has taken a turn for the worse since the end of last season, that is... If I had the money, I would be all over this!
  7. Kids. This entire post of your'e does not surprise me at all, especially the part about a front plate looking dumb, as though a plate stuck in the front window looks any better... And zip tying it to the mesh, I'm gonna guess that mesh adds 25 HP, right? /rant about kids these days.
  8. Since the 954RR is such a great beginner's bike.
  9. I guess that's the same for both of my bikes.
  10. Yeah, you must have missed it. It said something about ignoring any and all common sense...
  11. Says the devil himself...
  12. a couple good movies back to back, the title of one happens to also be the call-sign of the main character in the other. Not so much humor as irony. Funny as in odd, or interesting, not funny "ha ha."
  13. They're not? Survival of the fittest. You and I are smart enough to wear our helmets without it being mandated. You cannot legislate common sense.
  14. My 04 does, even! All this Ninja 250 talk has me thinking about riding it today, instead of the Hon-duh.
  15. It took you that long? You're slow! I'm thinking I'll be out in a couple hours. How long are you going to be out Brent?
  16. I might be out putting around. I plan on going up to the flag display in Westerville, then who knows. I own't be leaving until mid-afternoon though.
  17. I went past there a couple times yesterday. I'm thinking about headed over there with the camera today.
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