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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Good news! Although, I think this comment: Should be changed to this: Why should our rights be any different based on where we live, anywhere in the country?
  2. Yeah, she has 3 big brothers!
  3. The important part of the oil being separate from the refrigerant is that once it leaks out, it needs to be replenished!
  4. If it's leaking out fast enough that you can see the gauge going down (without the compressor running) and you don't see a cloud coming from somewhere under the hood, you probably have a cloud of refrigerant coming out the vents! The oily stuff coming from the evaporator case is a really good sign as well. When a leak is big enough that the gauge drops, you should be able to see it!
  5. HOLD UP!!! It sounds like you need an evaporator. If what you are getting out of the drain that's on (or near) the firewall is anything but water, that's a problem. Now a few things that need to be cleared up that might help you out. Refrigerant is not oily. There is oil in the system that travels with the refrigerant, and it will leak out with the refrigerant. This is how the dye works. The dye is in oil, and will leak out with the refrigerant. The evaporator is what does the cooling, it is under the dash. The "restrictive device", expansion valve or orifice tube is right before the evaporator. a The condenser is out in front of the radiator, and the airflow across it will remove heat from the liquid refrigerant. Next, just recharging to a pressure on a gauge is not going to get you a proper charge with a R-134a system. In the days of R-12, that worked, but not anymore. With a R-134a system, you really need to have the system empty, then add the proper amount of refrigerant, by weight. The R-134a is not Freon. Freon is a brand name (I believe Dupont) for R-12. I'm not trying to bash what anyone has said here, just trying to educate!
  6. Well said Magz. On group rides, you usually have someone faster than you, so that you can see their lines, and someone slower than you that will know if something should go wrong. I like to push closer to my limits as well, and expand my comfort zone. On last months CSBA ride, I was definitely pushing harder than ever, but I was still comfortable.
  7. TigerPaw's probably thinking a 600 supersport would be better than a liter bike for carving the corners, due to the lighter weight, etc...
  8. Needlepoint sounds about right for you. Just don't go trying to start repairing and maintaining motorcycles. I'm not so sure you'd be any good at that.
  9. Will it be your first? If so, prepared to have your whole world changed, and be loving every bit of it! If not, then you already know! Conga rats are some bad-ass rats! I think I heard that jbot makes some kick-ass conga rat stew!
  10. NEXT! You have what, about a month?
  11. Shut up and bring me some tacos, NOW! Thanks everyone!
  12. My wife just had our latest (and last) child today! I guess it's time to find a pink motorcycle for her! Daelin Ann Porter, 8 pounds 5 ounces, 21.8 inches long, 8:38 am.
  13. Nah, John's Triumph lbts, but the Ape is nice.
  14. Back when I was a kid, we didn't even have toys!
  15. Just so they get the roads cleaned up real fast, we'll be ok.
  16. I can vouch for how beautiful this bike is, and how incredibly awesome it sounds! Also, the owner is meticulous about taking care of his bikes! The next owner of this bike will not be disappointed!
  17. We don't even have a monthly ride and eat anymore.
  18. The idiot level was high for cagers all around Columbus. As light as the traffic is on 270, northeast corner, you would think the need to cut people off, and not get over for merging traffic would be low. Not at all. If I had been on the bike, I might have had to kick a door. Maybe I should have opened my car door into them (they were that close.)
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