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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Crap, I forgot that one... Are you mere Mods able to add that, or does King Casper have to?
  2. Just for fun. We all know how OR turns into a soap opera during the off-months. Pick your favorite "title."
  3. Oh yeah, GLWS, although at that price you shouldn't need luck!
  4. "As the Wheel Spins" "As the Piston Pumps" "As the Knee Drags" "Desperate Knee-draggers" "Coshocton 43812"
  5. Kicking myself for missing these epic events.
  6. I'm disappointed. 3 replies before JRM? Dude, you're slacking! No work on OR time!
  7. Sounds like YOU need to reschedule!
  8. You're just ensuring a target rich environment for shooting.
  9. I reposted that on FB a couple days ago. You're late.
  10. HAD. He has a kid now. The spunk is all used up. Or is there another in the future?
  11. Yes, but different. You would know the difference, while everybody else would think the kid was named after you. See? ^^^ This! We were fortunate, and Eric rarely cried just to be crying. We're praying that the one we have due about a month before the Stillman kid will be the same way! We have one of those, and it does work well, as long as the chair doesn't vibrate it's way off the table!
  12. I can haz? Thanks parks! I'm watching this, as I'm probably going to be in the market for a target plinker .22 rifle, probably semi-auto.
  13. Or the kitchen in the car. Either way, sammiches are needed ASAP! Rep worthy right there!
  14. My overall take on this is that even though he was doing something wrong by tailgating, it's not your place to take action against it, as it can easily cause a crash.
  15. And some of us keep whoring out the site on Facebook. It keeps using some jerk's picture though. I hear the girl in the pic with him is cool, though!
  16. I just had to this. There are a couple additional things that had to come into play for this to happen. YOU had to be too close to the guy in front of you, or you just waited too long to change lanes. Either way, you were in danger of hitting the car that was turning. Next, I'm going to bet that if you changed lanes fast enough that this happened without the guy behind you seeing the car in front of you, it could easily be considered wreckless operation. Just my opinion, I'm not calling you names, saying you're dumb, or anything, just think about what I said, instead of just reacting to it. It got me 5 points off on my driving test!
  17. jporter12

    which one

    Yeah, that's fairly recent. When it came to Wii no longer needing a CD, my step-bro was still wishing for it on his PS3. I can't really put a vote on this, because I only have a 360 and a Wii, so I can't compare to the PS3.
  18. The thing about that is that most CHL holders are smart enough to know that they did something to get pulled over, and shouldn't be pissed.
  19. I hear ya there! It's just not worth it to gear up warm enough for less than 2 miles each way to work.
  20. How do you find out how much time you've wasted-- I mean posts you've made for the year? I'm going to guess you have something on the backside of the forum to do this?
  21. Because you suck, slacker. Or you have a life?
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