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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. IN! I'm a bit shocked. I guess if you were to call it a Harley Davidson Ninja 650 it would be getting votes like crazy. Even the Big Dog custom isn't getting any votes!
  2. Gotcha. I was worried about you losing your intelligence there for a minute!
  3. The post I was replying to said "clip", which I'm going to say he really meant "magazine", therefore not being a revolver. If that is the intent of the law, then it should be illegal for anyone other than CHL holders to open carry. There are just too many laws that conflict with the intent of others, not only dealing with this, but almost everything else as well.
  4. I'm pretty sure the MAGAZINE has to be unloaded, not just stowed away.
  5. That is worthy of being someone's signature, right there!
  6. We need the text message to english translation here...
  7. I liked when I was on call with my old job. If I got called in, it was an automatic 4 hours, the time I was there was time and a half, and sunday or holidays double time. I often dreaded going in when called in, but loved it when I'd get the paycheck!
  8. Wow! I didn't think he was THAT fat!
  9. Same PCM, different calibration, and some wiring changes. I went through a 2WD 60E-80E swap with someone on a 1995 truck, had the same PCM, different PROM (96 up is flash, not a PROM swap) Had to switch a few wires, and add a couple wires for the input speed sensor.
  10. ^^^ This. I still do take it easy for a little bit on new tires, but just because they're new, and will handle differently than the worn ot ones that were just taken off.
  11. If you work around the stuff and know what it should smell like, you can still tell if it's burnt, especially if it's Dexron3 as in a GM of that vintage. Looking at the fluid for particles in it (not so much the color) is important as well. Many times, when a trans is having troubles, I don't cloud my judgement by even looking at the fluid further than just level until after I drive it, and on some look at some scan tool data. In fact, I'll sometimes ask someone to check the fluid for me, so that I don't even see the fluid condition. The Ranger (5R55E) trans that I have apart right now, I didn't even check it, due to the problem it has, knowing that fluid level would not cause the problem, without there being other significant problems. My point is, transmission diagnosis is not as simple as it used to be, they're more complex, computer controls, different fluids, etc...
  12. All the cool kids have double d's.
  13. Facebook stalker? Moobies! No thanks.
  14. I've felt what I'm guessing you're experiencing. I hesitate to call it actual slip, but it feels very "loose". A couple things come to mind that I've experienced or been told. Don't be afraid the lean over the tank in turns to get some weight over the front tire. The bike is so light that shifting your weight around makes quite a bit of a difference. The next thing is moving to the side of the seat a bit in turns. Move a bit to the left in a left turn, right in a right turn. This tends to reduce the lean angle a bit, and keeps your bike planted a little better. The last thing is to make your turning more with the bars than leaning into it. Push the bar to initiate the turn, more than just leaning it over. I'm not sure if I'm describing it right, but when I do this, the bike seems to turn better than just naturally leaning it over. In reality, I'm sure it's pretty close to the same, I just try to make more of a deliberate push on the bars when taking a turn pretty hard than when just cruising. I would say that you are pretty close to being too big for a Ninja 250, knowing the size and weight of the bike. The one thing I think would make my bike perform better would be suspension work. They's not setup ideally for anyone from the factory. Some emulators and the proper springs for you would go a long way, which is something I may never do, since I want to get something else eventually, and let the wife ride the Ninja.
  15. You got it! The only way I wold be able to go is if the wife came along, too, and she can't do anything like that for a couple months, since she volunteered to coach soccer. FML Yeah, last year I probably would've added Ninja 250 to the list of crashers. I didn't have the experience to be riding that sort of ride, not that I'm any better now, just that I have a little more confidence.
  16. You moved? It says Dublin for your location. If it wasn't PCIe 2.0 I would be interested. I have a computer I would like to use it in for folding@home, but that motherboard won't run with a 2.0 card in it.
  17. Rain, dark, cold, and now long rides added to the list of riding conditions you don't do? It's a good thing you don't deny being a fair weather rider! You gonna make this one, band-aid man?
  18. Doing stuff with/for the kids is an acceptable reason to miss the ride, I have to give you that much.
  19. I'm planning to make this one. We have a LOT going on late in the month, on top of soccer games for both of the older boys, every Saturday. Now for the dilema, which bike to take? Will the Interceptor even be running still?
  20. And behind a 6.0L as well! THAT is what surprised me, with the amount of torque the 6.0 makes. The 4L60 can take quite a bit of power, built properly. I think somewhere in there they started calling it a 4L65E, meaning it's a bit heavier duty. Just a couple minor differences that will retrofit back to the non-electronic version even!
  21. Did not know that! I've been going there for years, too!
  22. Yes, but it's not cheap to swap. Computer, extra wiring, possibly different transfer case, etc... Really, for a half ton suburban with a 5.7L, the 4L60E is just fine. Honestly, I've seen more 4L60E's in S-10 Blazer's with problems, behind a 4.3 V6, and since the late 80's (before becoming fully electronic) they've been the same as the V8 version. It's definately a problem with the band, but it COULD be something with the servo, which is servicable without reomving the trans, and the pan can even stay on. If this situation rolled into our shop, being a fairly fresh overhaul, I would start there, seeing that the fluid isn't burnt.
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