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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. I'd love to do something like this, but I don't know that I would be able to. Once things get decided, I should know if I could make it.
  2. Keep repeating it, and everyone will eventually accept it as fact!
  3. I'm with Ben here, CSBA ride > slabbing it down 33. I wouldn't mind going back down that way again (without the rain that we had on the DTC ride) but not this time.
  4. The 18th weekend isn't looking good for me, the CSBA has a group ride that weekend, and the NWO M&G. I'd say take the 18th out of the running?
  5. I don't think anyone on here can meet that price!
  6. No way! You'll bring those pesky bedbugs with you!
  7. I'm nothing but nice to you (and snarky) and I get a tag like that? I'm NOT beat to shit, and NOT for sale.
  8. Who else was a little scared to open it when Casper said that Yota sent it?
  9. Even worse! I thought you said she received the bloody mess!
  10. Seeing the girl that CS told me it happened to would make you as well.
  11. Yeah, like the bike that broke on the ride a few weeks ago? What was that? A DRZ? Isn't that a... no way! A Suzuki? Couldn't be...
  12. You share my pain! ^^^ These 2 posts just seemed to go well together... On a serious note (rare thing around here) be careful, retaliation may just escalate things, and could make it worse next time.
  13. They're both after anything that'll hold still long enough. Let us know how you do. I can just imagine how tough it would be to launch a street bike!
  14. Jagz has that effect on people.
  15. Yeah, both of mine sit out all of riding season, FML. That's what I told her, too! And with a little lube, it did!
  16. It'll only take one to flip it. As long as that one is on a bobcat!
  17. Lot's of us down this way could help you out. We do them where I work, and I know there are a couple 4X4 shop around here that do as well.
  18. It's crazy what people will pay for snow removal. One thing to consider though when doing commercial work is insurance. I know a guy (has several trucks) that does some parking garages, and has some big corporate accounts. He said he carries something like $1million insurance, since it's his responsibilty to have the snow and ice cleared and if someone slips and falls, it comes back on him.
  19. Gotta make money somehow. Nah, he's not my type, I don't care for Yamaha's.
  20. Naw, my e-feelings are just fine! My feet on the other hand are hurting like hell today!
  21. I need video of the Prelude as well, to make a fair asessment.
  22. Buh-bye! I don't post that very much, maybe a couple times, and I was just using that as a way to say I was kidding around with you. If it's that annoying, don't post, because I'm not about to quit posting, or even replying to your posts. Maybe I will just quit saying anything that would refer to the fact that I'm kidding around?
  23. Not saying it's just as easy. I AM saying that some people can lift more efficiently than others, not that they're stronger or anything. And I'm not talking about you, unless it's e-hurting you e-feelings!
  24. And even more if he get's angry...
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