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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. This one: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=&sll=40.241799,-82.142029&sspn=0.665644,1.448822&ie=UTF8&ll=40.254733,-82.062142&spn=0,0.005659&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=40.254734,-82.062028&panoid=hnYLLmEdH1e3aA4O6fYRlA&cbp=12,102.41,,0,5
  2. Thanks for putting up with my slow ass! It was good metting you as well, I had a blast, and learned a lot. BTW... How did that burger treat you? I think Todd is just full of crap, because it didn't bother me in the least!
  3. Now you're just turning him on... Feeding the troll (in more than one sense! )
  4. How about some burgers on the grill, as well? I'm not sure I'll be able to make this, with the ride being the following weekend, and my wife has to work on the 12th. We'll see though! I don't really have much that needs done other than cleaning on the Ninja, and if the Hon-duh is running by then, it should be good as well However, I can bring some tools, offer some help, and what expertise I have gained on bikes in the past year or so, combined with 10 years working on cars and trucks for a living, and just being mechanically inclined to begin with. I'll have to wait until the time is closer to know for sure.
  5. I'm not, but I know someone that is, a couple actually. I'll send you a PM about contacting them.
  6. As I've said before, maybe even earlier in this thread (too lazy to check) the Ninja 250 is a great bike. The fuel mileage is awesome, on the group ride this weekend, the guys were all talking about the range they get on a tank, 120 miles, 130 mile, less, more, but nobody came close to the 200 plus miles I can go on the Ninja! It also handles pretty well, and if you know how to use the little bit of power it has, you won't get left too far behind, as long as you're not riding with people that are breaking triple digits...
  7. Link to the Nokian H/T's We have them, too, might be able to do right under $700 for those. I can look tomorrow to see if we can get the Cooper's. Just an FYI... The Nokian's (truck tires) are made by Cooper, over in Findlay. The design is from Finland. http://www.nokiantires.com/tyre?id=11953&group=2.02&name=Nokian++Vatiiva+H%2FT
  8. I saw a Blast for sale on 60 on the way back home yesterday... She didn't change her mind again did she Todd?
  9. Isn't it a decreasing radius as well? Maybe it just seemed like it since I lost a bit of my attention and had to turn in harder...
  10. And he'll have it on video, too!
  11. Ain't that just cute? Congrats to her for getting a bigger and sportier bike! I have doubts that the 250 she had would handle that well. Probably better than needed, but still...
  12. I thought you did a great job with leading. The pace was good, and I don't think the 250 could take much faster. I have learned a great deal from these group rides, knowing that the bike WILL do more than I have the confidence for. The corner where the crash happened almost got me. Chevy did a good job of getting through it, then I was behind him, and the grass and debris flying into the road almost took my attention away too much. Just a reminder to myself to keep looking THROUGH the turn, no matter what, until you get out of it and can slow down.
  13. You'd laugh seeing Todd on the bike, until he gets going! His legs are about the right length for sheep...
  14. Sounds like a good time! I'll pencil it in, see how the schedule goes.
  15. Excellent! Maybe some of that will offset the bill we'll be getting from Children's from Saturday. They do great things there. My wife told me all about how well they treated my stepson and her overnight Friday, and Saturday until they had me pick them up! The kid's all better, and pretty much back to his usual self! Fixed, just for you Moose! I'd like to have one of each in large, and probably one of each in 2x. If I have to wait for more to come in, that's not a problem.
  16. Wow Todd, didn't you even notice she talks abotu you in her sig?
  17. Is there anything being planned for OR's anniversary this year? I was a newb last year, so I didn't participate, but would like to this year!

  18. I might have to get me a set, and update my music on my Zune.
  19. I'm not sure your newbness can handle finding out... Dysfunctional Travelling Circus Click the link in Fonzie's sig.
  20. jporter12

    boycott BP?

    You need to buy more so his sorry ass can get a truck AND a bike.
  21. How about a dog chewing on them? Our dog chewed the babysitter's earbuds (not sure what kind.) I think we should replace them for her.
  22. That IS what's on my side cover right now. Good stuff.
  23. Try this out. I got a head gasket set from them, not sure if they have individual gaskets or not. https://www.partsnmore.com/motorcycle-gasket_sets.php?make=honda&category=gasket_set
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