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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Have they failed, or are the seals just leaking? I remember the first one I did injector seals on, I didn't get the oil out of the cylinders before re-assembling it. Reminder - Liquids will not compress. Duh!
  2. jporter12


    Still no pics!
  3. See, but it's right in your neighborhood, you aren't going to get totally soaked, compared to someone that has to ride a lot further in the rain...
  4. Come on now. This is Todd you're talking about.
  5. Since the bad guys are going to pay attention to that sign...
  6. Those sheep are demanding! I'm excited to hear how well this is working out! Congrats on the house thing! Do you already have it designed? Bump!
  7. One year closer to the dirt! HBD old man!
  8. Only to you. For the rest of us, it was funny stuff!
  9. I just couldn't make out the signs reflecting in the window to verify.
  10. That DQ looks familiar. Kinda like someplace we went Sat.
  11. I can't hardly believe that Ozzy's still around!
  12. Very interesting question, since the Kroger here is working on getting a liquor license.
  13. You've gotts get your priorities straight girl. You are riding. Too bad it will be so far away, or you could just bail early.
  14. Being that I've only been riding a little over a year, I still tend to keep some distance on group rides. I don't have to think of what to do, and when to do it, but I don't want to cause problems for anyone else if I should happen to mess up.
  15. But, if any of the ladies ride like Schmuckgirl, that idea is out the window! My wife is need of some seat time, maybe we can get something together for them, and the guys can ride another route or something? I need to get my Hon-duh back together for that of course. I know there are at least a few ladies that are either new, or just not into the fast paced riding.
  16. We get out of church at around 12:30. I'll see if the wife will be mad about me going. I don't know what's going, if anything.
  17. If this was later in the day, I'd be up for it. About 1:00 is the earliest I can get rolling.
  18. The bold part is the point of it all anyway! I was able to figure out some things that I;ve been doing wrong, and started riding much better.
  19. I pretty much figured that one. I don't think that even playing opera would slow Todd down anyway. He'd just go faster to try to get away from it! A good bit of the group did stay pretty close, I was at the end of that pack.
  20. Just imagine how much of a hooligan he'd be otherwise!
  21. jporter12

    ride today

    There were a lot of people down that way! I'm finding out about a lot of them here, and on Facebook!
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