Are people that aren't here legally protected by the constitution? If they come through the front door, become documented Americans, get jobs, and live the "American dream" there would be no problem. Every time I've been in a vehicle that was stopped for a traffic violation, Ihad to provide my ID os some sort of info they could enter into the computer to "check me out" even if I wasn't the driver. I don't see where this is so much different in what will actually be done in practice. If Arizona has the resources to do what some people think they will with it, I need to move there! They don't have the resources to just stop everyone they see to ask if they're here legally. If someone starts to run off if a LEO says "hi" to them, is that suspicion enough to detain them and see what the issue is, be it drugs, or they're illegal? I'm trying to understand here and asking questions, not trying to fan the flames. And Mags, I would think that providing a legal document, such as a state ID would be sufficient for your niece.