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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. I liked the first year or so of that show, but then I got tired of it being nothing but about the fighting in the shop. I'd rather see more technical stuff about the bikes than anything.

    I miss the Monster Garage, and Monster house shows that they had a few years ago. THAT stuff was interesting.

  2. :lol: Ain't no thang' date=' man. Glad to see people wrenching their own rides. I've got enough work to keep my busy.. and fed. So long as Jinu doesn't start taking initiative. If that happens, I'll prolly starve to death. :eek:[/quote']

    When I start hating that people take the initiative to DIY it is when they start bringing stuff in half apart. I HATE putting together someone's mess! Especially when it's something that I don't normally work on.

    Bring me a pile of small-block Chevy parts, and I'll have it running in no time. Bring me a pile of parts from a few different models of transmissions, and I'm good, too. A pile of Ducati parts, and I'd be like :wtf:! I got my Interceptor in pieces, and I eventually got it running, but it was a major pain!

  3. that was that v plows maiden voyage. Weve had it for years, but never had a mount for it. I made welded up a mount for the front bucket, welded a hook to the top of the bucket for the chains and it was good to go.

    From the looks of it, everything worked out well on it!

  4. Pics from today..



    They need one of those out here, ASAP! My road is clear enough for 2 vehicles to pass, but the county road I have to take to get anywhere is just barely a lane and a half!

  5. Why do the current poll results appear sometime and disappear others? I am going between the two with no apparent pattern.

    I was getting the same password popup last night, like I was signing into my router.

    I've noticed that with the polls, also. One time it's the results, the next it's just as though you haven't voted. I've noticed it with polls that I've voted on, and some that I've not voted on.

    That one is not an issue to me though.

  6. You might have luck with telling them you're considering switching. Two weeks ago we called our carrier and simply said "how do we go about returning the receiver boxes" and the person on the other line immediately went into a spiel trying to keep us as customers. Oh and miraculously they noticed that we conveniently qualified for a "free upgrade" too. So, in order to keep us, they picked up the cost for the new dish and two HD DVR receivers. NICE!

    I'm saving that card for if I ever decide to go HD, and I won't settle for anything less than the HD TiVo for Directv that's supposed to be in the works.

  7. The best deal on Directv is the Premier package, or whatever they call it now. It's all the premiums, and stuff, around $100-110 -ish I think. That's only if you're going to watch enough TV to justify the more money, which I don't.

  8. I think my bill is around $70 a month, I have all the channels before getting into premium movie channels, HBO, etc... I also pay something like $5 a month for a second receiver, and $6 or so for their DVR fee. The price is after taxes and reg fees, misc BS. I'll look for more specific info later. To be honest, I think it's a little bit expensive, but it's the minimum I had to get for some of the channels that I watch. I have Directv, and I OWN my receivers, which are TiVo's, not Directv plus DVR. If you get anything now, they "lease" the box to you, even though you have to pay for it up front if you want anything other than the basic box.

  9. The monthly payment I can handle no problem. I'm not going to be one of these people who walk away from their financial responsibility just because their 'investment' isn't looking so hot.

    In hind sight, I would've gotten my ass in gear and kept my house, instead of being asked to leave. At the time, I was too interested in partying, and haveing fun. I've learned the lessons, and have become a little bit more responsible. The nice thing is that I like where I am now a LOT more.

  10. OH JOY

    Weather.com just sent me a winter storm warning for tomorrow. 6-9 more inches west of Cleveland. We're talking snow, not porn.

    Enough already.

    Yeah, sorry to destroy your hopes, but they do mean snow...

  11. I know your pain, I still haven't had the money to get my car fixed after it got all jacked up by vandals

    My mirror got knocked off by a Sheriff's cruiser hogging the road, and my hitting a mailbox, while topping a small hill. Does that count as vandalism? :lol: Didn't hurt the mailbox, and the mirror worked for about 8 months until the chunk of the housing finally fell out, thanks to ice.

  12. Ok. So' date=' lets clarify, for all practical purposes, we should use ohio-riders.com? Is that right? If so I 'll update all my bookmarks and try to get in the habit of using that.[/quote']

    That's what I do for simplicity! It's easier to type ohio-riders then press ctrl-enter. Although bookmarks it isn't an issue.

    Seeing that any links you click put you on to the .com, that's what I would think. Casper will clarify, I'm sure.

  13. 64 Buick Special? I really liked that car.

    There's a place in Cinci that does EXCELLENT chrome work. I can't remember the name of the place, but if you call Keystone Automotive they can get the info. It's who they send all chrome repair to.






    Nah, it's a 64 Lesabre convertable. Nice car, but definately not somethign you'd want to drive every day now!

  14. Here's something else weird that just happened Ben. I was here for a bit then went to someo other sites for a bit then came back' date=' using again my bookmarked ohio-riders.net link, when it brought me back here "[url']http://www.ohio-riders.net" stayed at the top on my browser, it did NOT redirect me to the .com. Not until I clicked on something, the links all pointed to .com

    He's changed something, because I can duplicate that one by just typing in the o-r.net url.

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