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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Unfortunately, a code reader isn't going to give him anything useful. A full scan tool will, but knowing how the data in the datastream means is beyond most people. MAF/MAP/IAT/TPS/ECT, etc..... aren't USUALLY going to cause a problem such as a misfire that is severe enough to cause the MIL (Check engine, service engine light Malfunction Indicator Lamp) to flash. I'd have to double check to be sure, but it has to be a condition that causes the engine to pollute enough to damage the catalytic converter to flash the light.
  2. Random/Multiple misfire is P0300 Catalyst efficiency Bank 1 is P0420 They SHOULD note what the codes are on the invoice. I always try to do so at the shop. If what they got deviates from this, they may be barking up the wrong tree. I'm not 100% sure, but if it's electrical on an injector, it SHOULD set an injector code. It COULD be an injector flow (restricted) problem. Same with the ignition system, if a coil fails on the primary side, and sometimes the secondary, it will set a coil code. Not sure on Mazda though. What brand and type of plugs did they put in it? Some cars just will not run right on the wrong plug! A Mazda should probably have NGK V-powers in it.
  3. You don't count anymore, since you started the thread...
  4. Easy, I didn't claim HE collects them, just that he expressed interest. He SAYS that they're for Yota.
  5. I'd be happy with 1.5 up, I'd give up quite a bit of my down! How much is it for TWBusiness Class? I saw someone (too lazy to go look) that had in this thread...
  6. Oooo.. Soup beans and cornbread! Sounds AWESOME!
  7. This is over the wireless, it's better wired, I'll post that one later. That upload is as good as it gets for me, though. RR with powerboost. Powerboost allows you to hit up to 22 mbps for a short time, then it is supposed to throttle back to 15 or whatever it is. I've never had it throttle back.
  8. According to Jym Ganahl, there's about 100 more days that it CAN still snow, historically. I'll see what I can find as a good day to count for the riding season to begin and start a thread.
  9. I don't know yet, I have to feed myself and 2 kids.... Maybe PB&J for dinner!
  10. Nothin wrong with some PB&J once in a while! I have that probably about once a week when I go home for lunch. PB&J, Hot Pockets, and frozen burritos and nachos for the cheap WIN! I was thinking pizza bagels for today, but I decided to do the bag of chips thing and not go home for lunch.
  11. I wish we had one close enough to here to go for lunch....
  12. Bored? Not really, I just keep finding things to occupy my time while here at work. Once in a while I DO some WORK!
  13. Does that mean you're delivering?
  14. Slim Jim Tobasco flavored, Jones Salt and Vinegar Chips, Diet Coke.
  15. I think he needs a HUG from the typing cat!
  16. Must ride a Katana then! Coshocton hates Katana's, but not you, Todd!
  17. Try it! You might have fun! Seriously, there's nothing wrong with dreaming, and dreaming big, but be realistic about it, and be responsible along the way, and listen to those of us that have been living in the real world. As for posting around here, try to get involved in some other conversations, prove that you're not a tool, or troll, and that you are smart, and the bashing will subside. Otherwise, quit! That what ALL the winner's are doing! RIDICULOUS
  18. That part goes in the random thoughts thread, and just so ya know, 1000rrrrrrrider will want pics when you do!!!
  19. You're only getting an invite if you promise to bring the hookers and blow.
  20. Wendy's. Single with cheese, not tomato, large fry. Finishing it off with a Captain and coke now. Crappy dinner, but good drink.
  21. Ya know, I've had TW for Internet service for a couple years, and I was afraid of all I had heard about how bad they were, not to mention the company that was in the area before them, but I have been pleasantly surprised! I've only had to call them a couple times, and other than the one time, when I moved last year, it's been great, and even that time ended well. It seems they had my SSN wrong on the account, and that had everything all messed up to try to get things working after the stuff on their end went through. After dealing with a jerk, I called again and got a guy that helped me out, and verified everything else, and fixed the SSN (I think it's just the last 4).
  22. Nah, it's a one...errr two time (this week) thing. I do get to see the outdoors anyway, and feel how f'n cold it is, when pulling cars in or out.
  23. Everything.....Look who we're talking about......
  24. Based on intent... I thought I didn't like you Todd, but this is redeeming you a bit (not that you care... I hope you don't.....Really....)
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