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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. jporter12

    Polar Bear Run

    Sounds like someone's trying to be an Still glad to hear that you're enjoying the left coast.....
  2. One day kid, maybe a Thirdgen with a 4cyl for you? (j/k)
  3. Duh, it IS a Camaro after all. I thought they all were bichin'?
  4. jporter12

    Polar Bear Run

    I went to the shop a little while ago, and it's a good thing I decided not to attempt, because the Ninja starter is DONE. Just freewheels, I need to tear it apart and see if it's one of the gears or the starter clutch. I shoulda had the Hon-duh back together for this...
  5. I've done that (cars and bikes!) Actually, I make TRY to it a habit to test the brake pedal on any car that I work on before moving it. I sometimes forget and have an "oh shit" moment!
  6. If it's inthe lease, they don't HAVE to just warn though.... It all depends on how strict they are.....
  7. Greed. If it's in the , they're most likely out the $25k now. I think it was pretty cool of the company to offer up the $25k for them finding it, even though it was outside the .
  8. Looking forward to it! Here's to hoping the engine can be saved, at least long ebough to make it to the 200k mark!
  9. Next time, come to Ohio when there's not snow on the ground! Welcome!
  10. Used motor oil. Since I don't have a garage at home, I use the shop where I work.
  11. That's what I was thinking, but
  12. The hammer is also great at breaking middle fingers...
  13. jporter12

    Polar Bear Run

    Thanks. The Rose parade is on in the living room, maybe I'll move to the bedroom to watch something a bit more manly, since I'm too much of a wimp to make the polar bear run.....
  14. jporter12

    Polar Bear Run

    What channel? See, if Todd would be going, I'd have to man up and go, being that I'm so much closer....
  15. Awesome! Glad to hear you were able to get one on a holiday!
  16. jporter12

    Polar Bear Run

    I think I'm wimping out. Maybe I could use the excuse of the Hon-duh still being torn apart, or the starter being messed up on the ninja. Nah, I know the Ninja will at least start once, and I could leave it running, or get a push to get it going.... Yup, wimp......
  17. No excuses here! I just heard that Moose is a dick, and I don't want to associate with that sort of peeps... Ok, ok.... Just flippin kidding...... The moose is cool peeps.
  18. This has a LOT of discussion on slickdeals.net, and some have used it as leverage to get a deal on a new phone. I'm thinking about doing the same, but I'm waiting until after CES to see what's coming out from the big S.
  19. Wow! Glad to hear you found one today! That is a bit surprising! The HSI def comes on first, the the gas valve, after the HSI has a few secs to warm up and glow. Then of course, the flame sensor will detect if it is actually flaming. Where I live now, there's fuel-oil furnace. Those have a totally different set of issues, on top of the cost of the oil!
  20. Interesting! I'll have to see about that one on my laptop!
  21. I wouldn't be surprised that the hsi is bad again. I think I read that they are a high failure rate, also.
  22. Wow! That's a tiny furnace! Just 2 burners! Very good example though! And to top it off, watching "how do they do it" on the science channel! I would probably be at least doing something other than sitting in bed, if I wasn't still feeling ill.... I HATE being sick!
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