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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. You might also try hitting the switch to trick it into thinking the cover is on, and seeing that the HSI IS glowing when the thing starts.
  2. Ok, I found a pic showing a typical Goodman furnace burner. The flame sensor is on the right, just in front of the burner tube. At the other end, you can see the HSI (Hot Surface Ignitor) glowing to ignite the first burner tube. If I remember right, the one I had was the same, just opposite sides.
  3. jporter12


    From the album: Misc

  4. Chances are HIGH that it is the flame sensor. A goodman is what was in my old house, and from the research I did, that was a COMMON problem.
  5. Or just light a candle and leave it in front of of the furnace... No, not really, DON'T listen to my smartass comments...
  6. What make, and approx age is it? I had one at my old house that would start and run, but then would shut down shortly after lit. It turns out that the flame detector was "dirty" and not detecting the flame. I put dirty in quotes because it didn't LOOK dirty. I pulled it, cleaned it with a scotch-brite pad, or fine sandpaper, and all was good. Not sure if that's your problem, but it's a possibility.
  7. Why aren't you out at Moose's bash, anyway? I guess they don't always look at the receipts, but if you walk in without them, and have replacement parts, they WILL take stuff that is in question! I heard of a guy that had to leave there with no doors because of no receipt, or VIN tag being painted over!
  8. This isn't your father's Oldsmobile. No, it's the old guy's from OR that's old enough to be everyone's dad! Seriously though, I still don't get the dropping of Olds, and now Pontiac. NONE of the vehicles were unique to the brand, they were all on a platform shared by another GM nameplate. If none, at least most. Also, with both brands, many of the dealerships were shared with another nameplate, also. Pontiac/GMC, Olds/Cadillac, etc... Maybe that is just unique to some areas, and not the norm throughout the country?
  9. Not a big deal at all. Make sure have have receipts or documentation for everything though! The inspection is making sure there are no stolen parts, so anything that should have a VIN tag on it had better have one (not sure there are many things on a bike that do though...) Surprisingly enough, they've gotten better about that, and sometimes it's only a couple weeks. At any rate, call about a month before you're ready to see how they are at the location you'll be going to.
  10. Never fear! Jcroz is here, and going to rescue us by opening one in the area! At 1000rr dude's suggestion, it will likely be in Newark! Details: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=40357
  11. I'm betting that wasn't a joke.... Happy New Year. Although it's really just tomorrow, like today was yesterday.....
  12. Eeewww... Can't bring myself to make fun of, or even kid around about that one!!
  13. Tweeter, twitter, all the same....
  14. No need to tell how I know about this! The only question is how they got there, as neither female that's in the house regularly admits to flushing them....
  15. That doesn't sound normal for you. It sounds like the right thing to do, though. On the other hand, you can blame the illness on moose?
  16. If someone can't leave a message, or call back with their number un-blocked, I don't need to talk to them. The people I know that have their number block do one of the above, depending on the urgency of the situation. I think this would fit in the random thoughts thread just fine....
  17. And some of that's true... You pick which.....
  18. Not back pedaling, just explaining to the Admin Czar where I came up with that. It was NOT original thinking on my part, blame it all on KK.
  19. That's hilarious! I was just finishing cracking mine as I got to your post!
  20. I don't think you'll make it in time, unless you're already on your way....
  21. That must be why I don't get to do anything so awesome, I don't have any "free" time!
  22. Yet he has a Squidzooki! Oops, Moose might not like that, now that he has a kanatuna, too....
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