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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. You haven't took your shirt off...yet. That's their problem. :p

    :plus1: (j/k)

    Explain what medicine hat is. To all the newbs.

    Comedy Hypnotist. He gets volunteers from the audience to get up on stage, he hypnotises them and they do some funny stuff! My cousin got on stage once, pretty funny! That's why I said some of the OR people need to get on stage for it! LOL

    I think he has some info on his website, and there are some youtube videos out there of him.... Link

  2. woahs, what happened to this thread.

    The same thing that happens on just about every other thread on OR! :hijack:

    So, back to the Funny Bone, instead of Wheezle's bone issue....

    Maybe you could decide on a show that YOU woud like to go see (might I suggest J. Medicine Hat, incase you hadn't seen my suggestion before now) then see who wants to go then, since you ARE the one getting the tix....

  3. It has been confirmed that the rider had been rinding at a high rate of speed, the driver likely had no way of seeing him coming so fast, was on a learner's permit, no helmet, riding at night, not to mention that's a VERY busy road...

    So sad that a lapse of judgement on his part ended his life. Please, as a reminder, get your head right before hitting that starter button, and don't ride beyond your abilities, and the surrounding conditions.

  4. The other one we get at our shop:

    Since we all answer the phone at times, we get the occasional guy that want us to fix it over the phone. Sorry, but we don't pay for the repair software, and have spent all these years to gain experience, not to mention any schooling we have, just to GIVE IT AWAY to some guy we don't know over the phone, who is probably having his wife do the talking for him even.

  5. This guy I work with averages 2-3 a week. Not that i have never had one but for the most part mine dont come back. I make all my money on the alignment rack and said "comeback kid" gets pissed cause I dont drive my alignments when done and our boss told him to shut the hell up that they dont come back so why drive them. And yes customers who try to tell me how to do my job is awesome. I also love the oil change only guy that comes in who has a mechanic for anything major but yet this "mechanic" of his cant change oil.

    We don't have enough of a volume to keep anyone busy on the alignment rack, we're a small shop, with 2 full-time techs (Chevysoldier and I) the owner, and one part-time guy that works mainly on "project" vehicles. I don't think I've ever had an alignment come back that had good parts on it. We've had a few where they say get it close with the bad parts a time or two, and I don't remember any of them coming back either.

    I have had THOSE weeks, where it seems like they ALL come back! :lol:

  6. Are the tix good on "Special engagement" shows, in red on their calender?

    Pauly (Shore, not IP) is there on a few weeks, and J. Medicine Hat is there starting 11-12 with that date NOT being in red. Other than that I don't see anything that grabs my attention after Greg Giraldo this weekend.

    For the comedy junklies out there, don't forget to watch Jeff Dunham tomorrow night!

  7. Your God or his?

    We all thank God for flexible women. :leghump:

    :lol: I'd rep you for that one, but I don't think you really need anymore for something that's not out of your top-shelf funny box.....

  8. np, I appreciate the civility. End of the day, when the rubber meets the road, flying at 30,000 feet we have to look at big picture, really get down to brass tacks and leverage cross team synergies here. If we don't shave the baby we're never going to be able to win this race, but the best we can do is run it up the flag pole and see who salutes right? Worse case we go back to the drawing board and hammer this out during lunch.


    We will NEVER have 100% of people happy, true story.

    Wow! Typing cat was busy there!

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