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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. They didn't do it right. As long as everything is ok, on a flat road the steering wheel should be straight. I have had to bring vehicles back in after test driving them after an alignment because of the wheel not being straight. As long as you're not expecting it to be perfect or anything, it should be reasonably straight.

  2. Does anyone here think Obama was ready for the presidency? Who thinks he has the experience necessary to run the COUNTRY? I know there were enough people fooled into believing that he was, marketing can be really terrible! Too many people voted for him on his promise of change. I don't really remember hearing very many specific changes that he was going to make in his campain. It turns out that it's more of the same old crap. Politics is nothing more than a popularity contest gone bad! The sad thing is that neither side had a candidate worth voting FOR. I simply voted AGAINST Obama.

  3. These are everywhere and not limited to one bike style. ALL Buells are closing out. There's a $5k dealer rebate going out and that's everything. $6999 for an 1125R... I have a couple of HD dealers I can call if you guys are serious and I can ask...

    This is just how bad HD was with Buell. The dealers are now going to whore them out to get them gone. They never really promoted nor gave two shits about the brand and that's sad.

    They are typically in the back of the store's sales floor behind a bunch of HD casual apparel. No POP, etc. If HD would have 1/2 a brain, they would have allowed them to be sold side by side other similar brands and allowed outside the HD branded shops.

    Dealers don't care nor does/did HD...

    I was surprised when I saw one by the FRONT door at A.D. Farrow's northstar locatin back in the early summer. I think they only had about 5 of them in the showroom (compared to 100's of the HD crap) but they did have a couple by the front door!

  4. Because you do not have to be a scientist to understand that the human development is destroying the earth. I am wondering where it will all end...They are developing electronics i.e. at such a fast speed that by the time you buy that device it is already outdated...

    anyways, I am with JAGR and I say EVERYBODY should care and should do their part to support the environment.


    So, you had better destroy your motorcycles, and any cars that you may have. Same for your computer, and cell phone. TV has to go too. If it is such a problem, quit contributing to it.

    The nice thing about technology developing at sucha rapid pace is that most of the newer stuff is much more effiecient than what it replaced. For example, a 1970 small car pollutes more sitting still, not running than a 2003 Suburban does running down the road.

    Now go run and hug a tree.

    BTW... This is not meant as a personal attack on Fazerlady, please don't take it as such, because it is just my view of things.

  5. That is what I was thinking?

    It sounds like this car might be passed the fix and sell point. Might be best to cut your losses and sell with out fixing it if there is that much wrong with it.

    Lot's cheaper to fix it himself than to take on a car payment!

  6. i would like to sell everything as a whole..if possible.. because if it doesnt sell i will continue to use it all next year

    behringer Xenyn 802

    Understand! I was thinking about splitting it up after buying, if my friend is interested in the speakers, I would be interested in the mixer, so we'd get it all. I know he needed some better speakers and amps for his DJ business, and this would be great for what he needs.

  7. That was prolly on the lapel pin he started wearing.

    I almost lol'd on that one!

    If there is someone willing to buy something, some asshole will make it and sell it, whether it's a good idea or not. I think I've established on here that I'm pretty damned liberal, and I for one would never deface this country's flag in such a cheap way.

    Of course, I also disapprove of the flag shirts country singers love to wear, or the made-in-China flags people stick on everything. And the Texan habit of displaying the state flag more prominently (and often) than the national flag. And any display of the confederate flag (advertising support for an act of treason makes you an asshole). So maybe I'm just kind of old-fashioned when it comes to my country's symbols.

    I wouldn't say old fashioned, just patriotic.

  8. If you leave the class and realize that you really don't know shit yet then they taught you well. If you leave with a feeling of empowerment then they did you a disservice. I spent alot of time in college learning about money so anything they teach you in a couple of evenings should make you a bit more organized and hopefully a bit more responsible. Once you are done with the class do some more reading and learning.

    Well, I have a feeling already that I can do much better than I am now, and that I've been an idiot all along and SHOULD be much better off than I am now. I do plan to continue to pursue as much information as my time will allow after the classes.

    I had gotten quicken a few years ago, used it a lil in the military. I upgraded to the 2009 version a few months ago. Havent really gotten into it yet.

    You'll have to let me know what you think about it if ya get back into using it.

  9. I wonder how we got to this point of flu shots? Well I know how but Is it really necessary all the times or is it the drug companies exagerating the need ? Are we building ourselves up to a point where vaccines are no longer going to be effective for those who take them regularly or is there going to be a point where someone should not take anymore vaccines and then they really need it? it just worries me that we are becoming to reliant on drugs.

    THAT is what I'm wondering! There has been talk of such stuff from the constant use of antibiotics, too. I don't medicate unless I'm really bad other than Zyrtec for allergies, and an occasional Excederin Migraine for the really bad headaches.

  10. Funny you mention that. If you really converted your vehicle's A/C system back to a R-12 system it would be more efficient. It takes less 'freon' in a R-12 system to cool than it does for R-134A.

    Research that one for a little bit and then we can play' date=' "Follow the money!!"[/quote']

    Sorry, but when retrofitting R-12 to R-134a you are supposed to reduce the charge amount by up to 10%. This is stated on most retrofit kits. R-134a is also being questioned as environmentally friendly anyway. From what I've read, it's worse than R-12 was, just in different ways.

    I'll have to see if we still have the retrofit guide book at work Monday, and see what it says. I do know that R-134a is supposed to run at lower pressures, and one part of the retrofit process is to adjust the cycling switch a few pounds lower.

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