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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. I'm not debating that global warming happens, or is happening - I just don't think humans have nearly as much effect on it as some scientists seem to believe.

    I think the string of article links both sides are coming up with illustrate one uniform conclusion here: THERE IS NO CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE EITHER WAY.

    agree to disagree, and move on. I try to lower my carbon footprint regardless of whether it's causing global warming.


    It's not a BAD thing to reduce our "carbon footprint" (I'll quit stepping in coal?) but to do it at such high costs is not much of a good idea. Demanding "reform" immediately" isn't going to do it. People cannot afford to go go completely "green" right away. As more efficient technologies develop (as they have been anyway) prices come down, and people buy into stuff. Until then, we'll leave it to Ed Begley Jr. to buy it.

  2. Seriously? Fbodys have been built in Canadia for a long ass time, 83 I think.

    Camaro's and Firebirds were produced in the Norwood, Ohio plant, and the Van Nuys, California plant. The fourth generation is when they moved to Canada, 1993-2002.

    Off by 10 years!

    I got 5 out of 6, also missing the Honda Fit.

    What is more important is how many of the parts were made in the US. And even then, subassemblie can have parts made in other countries, with a percentage of them being U.S. made, and still be considered made in the U.S.. So, what's it really mean when they say made in America anymore? :dunno:

  3. PB B'laster is the best! I even have a hat from them! The thing is though, it won't help much on this. The nut he's trying to remove is a locking nut, nas either a nylon insert, or the top of the threads on th enut are slightly deformed to make it hard to take off, so that it won't back off going down the road.

  4. Well, POO! You're having no luck at all here!

    The impact wrech works by just hitting the trigger in bursts. It spins the nut a little bit before the strut piston shaft turns. Or, we use the vice-grips one in a while, when there is too little resistance on the piston to keep from spinning too freely.

    Really, showing someone is a lot easier, and understanding how the impact guns work is a help in understanding, also!

  5. As a medic when I started in 1992, I was getting paid $6.79 an hour....yes those are medic wages with an associates degree. Paid just as well to wipe asses in a nursing home, with a ton more responsibility. I am probably lucky I made it as long as I did. My second week on the job I had 2 babies drown in car that rolled down a hill into a pond. (eternal mental picture). When I left that job in 2000, I was making $9.66 an hour. I still admire some of my friends who are still there. I know the pay has gotten better, but the mental stress is ridiculous.

    The mental stress is why I just don't think I could do that job. I know a few fire fighters, and I've talked about it a little to them, and I just don't know how they do it! I joke with them and call them "dumb firefighters", who would be dumb enough to run into a burning building, after all.. BUT, I always make sure they know that's not what I really think of them! To some, it's just a job, but to me, it's just a job that takes a certain sort of person to do! Most are so humble about the job that they do, also!

  6. :rolleyes: Oh brother.....Here we go again ;)

    Some guys brag about how much $$ they make, how big their johnson is, or how big their wife's jugs are. Not Nick.....He brags about how many posts he has his page set for :lol:

    Only the COOL peeps setup their OR account to show 40 posts per page! I was so used to having more posts per page from other forums that I've been on that 20 was just annoying me!

    I think it's funny that I'm posting in a thread that was around before I even knew about OR! :lol:

  7. this is normal. my ex500 (same basic engine/tranny) does that. its pretty normal with a wet clutch, which is more often than not on motorcycles. the oil drains out and the clutch plates stick together. when you first start it up, there isnt any oil between the clutch plates, which is why the shifting is a bit grabby at first too. once you start moving, everything gets oily.

    when you have it in gear, clutch in, and its sticking, you can rock it back and forth a bit until it unsticks.

    id just leave it in neutral when i park personally.

    The me restate what I said earlier, the older Ninja 250's are that way, as in 2007 and older. They did something in the new ones to make that go away.

    I don't leave my bike parked in neutral, there's not a lot holding it up anyway, and keeping it in first gear is one more thing to keep it from moving, and possibly spllling over.

    Just my $.02 though.

  8. Has it always done this? The Ninja 250's are known to do this by design. I haven't tried anything to see if I can make it any better, as it is easy enough to just click it into neutral, especially since it has a positive neutral finder.

  9. Take the struts to a local shop and have one of the techs zip them off for you. Any machine shop can do it' date=' as well. I'm not convinced you won't strip that allen head trying to hold it while you turn the socket. I've learned over numerous strut replacements that impact wrenches are the only way to go. Zip it off and zip it on... you're done.[/quote']


    If you were close to Johnstown, I could help you out, unless you would want to drive out here. Do you have any way to bring just the struts out?

    I have a 22mm O2 sensor socket that would do the outer nut, and for the inner nut, it it is indeed a 21mm, just use a 13/16 sparkplug socket! 21mm is pretty close to a 13/16 (I interchange them once in a while.)

    Good luck!

  10. Nope. I am POSITIVE that if i got to pick the person, I would take it. I would even do it if I got the pick the person. But I wont be responsible for the death of someone else unless they "deserve" it.

    And exactly what would qualify for them deserving it? Just curious, not trying to bash you here....

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