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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. I've seen a lot of Excel templates for free for financial. Maybe one will do that. Or with a little bit of modifications.

    I actually had a friend track all his expenses for a year. (Easy to do when you're a student.) He only wanted to determine if he was having fun on his budget. Dunno. He never did say if he was or wasn't. I think he blew all his money on drinking and didn't have anything left over.

    I've found a few excel templates that are good, but none that do what I want. I'm just going to have to do it manually, or figure out how to get it to do it on my own.

    And BTDT on the drinking and not having anything left over. Did that for a few years, and didn't have enough to pay the bills! :eek:

  2. Whatever you're paying for the program - stop.

    Give me 75% of it, and access to your checking and savings. I'll be your money nanny. Everything you want to buy, you have to ask me. Just going through that hassle should eliminate a lot of petty things - namely because I screen my calls.

    All I paid for the class was for the books, and organiztional materials, I think it was $100. It's through our church, and is much more than just budgeting. It goes into savings, retirement, planning, a little bit into investing, all sorts of stuff that make it worth it.

  3. How is a program that tracks the dumb things you buy, going to keep you from continually making the same dumb mistakes...?? Now, you're even worse off because you have a paper trail of all those silly purchases to remind you that you're a big bag of financial fail, and that's just depressing. :p

    You need more of a financial counselor than a program to fix a spending issue... no?

    That's why I'm going through a program right now. He's saying that the program is 20% knowledge and 80% behavior. I understand that, and seeing where the money IS going, and where it SHOULD be going should help with the dumb mistakes part. We are closer on the income vs. outgo than I thought, unless I bust butt at work and get a bigger paycheck, but :eek: OR has put a damper on the amount of time I can actually be productive at work....

  4. I know it's not needed, and it's overkill, I just want an easy way to tell what needs to come out of each week's income.

    The whole budget thing is new to me, and something that I NEED, and need to stick with, because I like to spend WAY too spontaneously (sp?) to survive!

    I found a decent budget software product called YNAB (You Need A Budget) that has a 7 day trial. I'm trying it out, as it looks like it might do what I want, but not quite the same way as I planned.

  5. I've looked at the online ones and didn't like it. They want to have access to your bank account (some of them) and don't really do what I want. I haven't tried them all, but none seem to do quite what I want to. M$ Money is now obsolete. They quit selling it about a year ago.

    What I want to do, I know Excel can do, I just don't quite know how yet.

    I picture it like this:

    By each expense, I have a drop-down box (should be easy to copy and paste to a new row) that has each week listed, along with combinations of weeks. From that, somehow it will subtract the amount a couple columns to the right from the selected weeks income amount.

    I need to get my programming geek step-bro on it for me! LOL He also suggested M$ Moneym though!

  6. So I've started a class called Financial Peace University, it's all about getting out of debt, and learning to manage your money, etc...

    I'm tracking our expenses and all in Excel, but I'm wanting to do more with my tracking. I want to list out each expense, then for each week list our income. Then, I want to find an easy way to put in each expense which week I want it to come out of, and have it subtract it from the week that I choose, and be able to switch it around to figure out which week is best to take it out of.

    Anyone have anything?

  7. It sounds like he doesn't want to get hooked on the addiction we all call OR!

    Seriously man, the rules are in place for everyone's benefit. They keep Ohio-riders a fun and even a slightly informative place for all of us.

  8. Slickdeals.net FTW! They often have deals posted on dd-wrt ocmpatible routers, and most of the time it says it in the post title! I don't hang out there very often anymore, as I don't have any $$$ to spend frivolously, but when I'm looking for something, I do check them out. As has already been stated, Newegg is your friend. A large number of deals posted on slickdeals for computer stuff are on newegg!

    I almost pulled the trigger on a Asus storage router (I can't remember the model for sure) from newegg to run dd-wrt on it. My router has a broken antenna, and has very little range with the one that's left, although it's fine all through the house, so I may wait until spring, when I may actually need more range.

  9. are they FORCING you to take the vaccine? or are you being "strongly encouraged?"

    I'm curious about how people in the health care field feel about all this. My boss's wife is a nurse, and they basically told her, "we can't force you to take this vaccine, but those who don't take it may see a drop in their hours <wink>"

    I see both sides of that debate... just because you work in health care doesn't mean you should have to give up your right to choose your 'treatments.'


    That's just wrong. I would think that could be called discrimination. Hmmmm... Interesting point we've gotten to....

  10. I don't know the exact numbers, but I get the feeling their "brand" isn't exactly getting good penetration with first time buyers because of so many other better/cheaper options are out there now and most of their sales come from existing customers buying newer Harleys.

    I think you're on to something there. Most of the people I know that have Hardley's have had other (some, many other) bikes before they get a Hardley. Most first-time riders can't handle a harley, let alone afford one!

  11. The HD dealer network completely fucked Buell. The sales staff new nothing about sportbikes. Gear & accessories were basically nonexistent, unless you wanted tassels and chrome. Walk into a HD dealer in actual riding gear and you're looked at like a retard. As much as I have like my 2 Buells, I couldn't stand setting foot inside the HD Boutique.

    If Buell was sold alongside Ducati, Triumph, BMW, Aprilia, etc, there would be more people sitting on them in showrooms and more being sold. The sales staff would know what the fuck they wer talking about. Sad day...

    Motoczycz, Fischer, & Roehr go ahead and lock your doors.

    Ya know, I think that's EXACTLY the deal. The only people going into a Harley dealer and even looking at a Buell are the ones that want a buell anyway. If they were selling them alongside other sportbikes, I wonder what the outcome would be?

  12. I just pulled my son out of little league because I found out they all get trophies just for playing.

    I think it's a dangerous practice to teach children that they are all equal.

    Good! Glad to hear that one!

    Ok, I can kinda back you on that one, but...

    I hope you're not serious there.

    Or if you are, you've found a different league for him to play in. Granted, I'm not a father or anything, but it's not fair to rob your child of the experience because of political views - IMHO, of course.

    I think it's more dangerous for them to be involved in that sort of environment than to learn that you WILL NOT always win. I agree with getting into a different league or something, but if none are around, I'd rather not see them in it at all.

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