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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. You have a '95. Your wet weight is 886.
  2. No you are riding a 900 pound Wing. Mine is only 800.
  3. So pay extra so my concrete looks like pavers?
  4. The concern with that is that it will look like hell. Pavers would at least be a little bit decorative.
  5. Fuck it, I am going to hire people to put on pavers. That is the best answer.
  6. ...path. It is about 16 feet to the driveway and grass is not going to cut it. So what kind of gravel to make this a easy to ride on as possible. I am thinking #57 limestone.
  7. Good job @Pauly You made an old man happy.
  8. Well done. https://www.axios.com/local/columbus/2023/03/21/columbus-complicated-pollution-problem-ohio
  9. Reminds me of my ex wife.
  10. Damn, why the hell didn't I take us to 100? I need a bigger bagger when I rent. It is 2 up for 4 or 5 days. Trunk backrest is pretty mandatory according to the wife. Doing it again this fall in Vegas. Going to one way it to Seattle.
  11. Then why did you bring them up? Seems irrelevant to the conversation.
  12. Get rid of the fucked up track bike. It's useless anyway.
  13. It has gotten very quiet here. I'll play along. I rented the top of the line Harley this spring and drove it 2 up for 1500 miles. It was a Road Glide. It sucked. Hot as hell, poor wind protection and fuck was it top heavy. Seriously, I had to work at it to get it off the side stand. In most cases I had the wife lean to help. It was a dog performance wise compared my Goldwing. The Nav was good though, very good. Harley is the best at selling motorcycles, not the best at making them. I noticed the article said "lifestyle" four times but not once did it use the word reliable. And last, I recall an Ironbutt to Mt. Rushmore a few years back. Kaws, Hondas, Yamahas and one Harley. Only the Harley had to make a trip to the dealer on day two.
  14. @snot You might want to post this over here.... https://www.gl1800riders.com/forums/
  15. Really wish I had built a bigger Goldwing palace. One of you asshats needs to snap this up.
  16. Tonik

    I'm back

    Rick!! Can't wait to see you again man!!
  17. You know where I live, how about you come over and put it up so it meets your standards.
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