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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Then he says we have members of Congress that are older than television. That absolutely is not true, no one in Congress is 96. Dude doesn't trust old people, but at least we can math.
  2. I mean his whole argument is a false dichotomy. Just because the leak happened does not mean that Tic Tok is ok.
  3. The good news is that clicking on that moron's video lead me to finding this, which is awesome.
  4. The guy is a dumbass. Lots of 21 year olds have Top Secret clearance. Hell, my son had it when he was 19. I'll never forget the FBI banging on the door at 7 AM saying 'We need to talk to you about your son' when they did his background check. The argument that young people should not have clearance is stupid. Did the clearance system fail, should they me monitored better yes. But when it comes to cyberwarfare you want young talented people doing it. He even owned himself in the video. After ranting that young people should not have this clearance he rants that old people don't understand technology. Well which is it, only old people can handle the responsibility of the tech, or they don't understand tech. And why are old people less likely to be criminals than young people? He also clearly does not understand what 'Top Secret Clearance' means. It does not mean he can see everything. He can only see what is related to his job. It is not the free for all that the moron in this video thinks it is.
  5. I suspect it is a victim of the EU emissions laws. 25 percent of Harleys sales are in Europe and the Euros buy small bikes. So I would think that hit the Sportsters sales pretty hard. Plus, who the hell is going to pay 14k for an entry level bike?
  6. How the hell did any tire on any bike you own last long enough to rot?
  7. Tonik

    Congrats BMW

    You are better than Harley. https://www.slashgear.com/1252499/major-motorcycle-brands-ranked-worst-best/
  8. You need the new Wing. Way faster, far more lean and suspension to back it up. Pegs hit and fold, you got another couple of inches before it hits a hard stop. That said, welcome to the world of bikes that you can't drag an elbow on. They all hit that hard limit eventually and start to lift the rear tire.
  9. Assuming she was at least 16 and thus old enough to drive when that song was released she would be almost 70 now. Good chance she is dead man.
  10. I had one of these on the whale. Quality stuff and they make a short version for short people. https://www.clearviewshields.com/motorcycle-windshields/honda/honda-touring/gold-wing-gl1500-shields/ I think F4 makes one too, but they are very proud of their products and charge accordingly.
  11. Dude never showed up. WTF is wrong with people. You call them, say come take my money and they can't be bothered to actually take it.
  12. BMW stuffed in the back of the garage. WHERE IT BELONGS!
  13. It would appear he hates green, he painted it already.
  14. Paver dude will be here tomorrow.
  15. You have a '95. Your wet weight is 886.
  16. No you are riding a 900 pound Wing. Mine is only 800.
  17. So pay extra so my concrete looks like pavers?
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