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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. 20 minutes tops from Otsego to New Concord.
  2. Didn't say I was going. Just enjoying Caspers misery.
  3. It's less of an appeal and more of a choice. You or him. He (and anyone else) wins that choice every time.
  4. Figured out what is happening. If a thread is read it does not take you to the last post, it takes you to the first one. I don't believe it was like that before since I instantly noticed it. Unread works fine.
  5. Clicking on a topic no longer takes you to last unread post.
  6. I was putting hair spray on grips while you were still swimming around in your dads gonads. Never had one come loose.
  7. Need more red in the desktop theme please.
  8. Damn it, you edited it before I got the chance to quote it.
  9. Bottom right of that pic, it looks like the fourth socket from the right is out of order.
  10. Contact your Reps gang...we got a bill for real. This is huge. The bill is real and alive. We need to show up en-mass when it goes to hearing. I know from past experience that the reps will gauge how important something is based on the number of supporters in the room. https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/legislation-summary?id=GA132-HB-280
  11. One person here certainly does.
  12. Wasn't me, I'm not even a member anymore.
  13. Damn it, I approved you already. Let me see if can bounce you.
  14. It looks different. That will be enough to send him over the edge.
  15. Hey @Uncle Punk @Casper moved your cheese again.
  16. Tonik

    PA 6 road trip.

    And we are home. Along the way I found the last pay phone in America and @Casper broke it. And did some hooligan parking.
  17. Tonik

    PA 6 road trip.

    Little League World Series park.
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