I am staying at a hotel about 8 miles away.
Which means I will have to tape up my bike after I get there. Figure I will be at the gate long before the 6:45 opening and tape it up then on the side of the driveway.
If cruiser style is what you are looking for it is an excellent choice. Also check out the Honda Shadow 750's and the 650 Yamaha VStars.
All have decent power for a first bike and are light and low to the ground. And expect to sell whatever ypu get next year after you get comfortable and learn exactly what you want.
Did you take the MSF course?
I was under the impression we don't pass at all. But we will find out. Yea, you need to pass me in the straights with your liter bike because no way you are taking me in a corner.
Do you even ride anymore bro?
I am all set. @DerekClouser is going to hook me up, as long as I have it pointed towards the front so it doesn't show him.
Anyone near Cleveland got a gopro I can borrow for the 21st for my track day? Will need a mount too....I think I want something on my chest or on the handlebars so I can get my speedometer in the shot. But I am open to suggestions.