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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Yet you followed the other group that wasn't going to 536, instead of mine that was. Interesting.
  2. So yesterday I saw something that I have seen on pretty much every group ride this year. It started with the Epic ride and has continued to most public rides I have seen this year. Actually it started with last years Fall Gap Trip. Some poor sap posted a public ride and 15 peeps showed up. He was standing there with everyone around him trying to split it into two groups. Now I had already pre-arranged with 5 people to follow me so he was down to 10. But that is still too many for many reasons, the biggest of which is the fun and relaxation of said ride organizer. No one stepped up. Smaller groups of 5 or so are way better. You can group by speed/style. It's easy to keep track of everyone, you don't even have to be comfortable as a leader...just know the route and go. Look in your mirror once in awhile and if you can count to 5 or so you are done. So please, for the sake of more OR public rides show up knowing the route. Have it in your GPS, or paper on your tank bag or in your head...however you roll and be ready to step up and help a brother out. Disclaimer: The above polite rant was my own, @jacobhawkins neither said nor did anything to make me think he feels the same.
  3. Bring the title, and cab fare.
  4. Next Saturday, noon at the bottom of 536. I'll make sure my rear mounted GoPro is charged.
  5. Your profile says NEO. So depending where in NEO I would suggest you buy them as mentioned above and have them mounted at @whaler 's in Medina.
  6. Home, 434 glorious miles. Beat a Connie and an SV up 536.
  7. Just got a text, he is home and doing good.
  8. Like a boss. I will never forget looking back and seeing that leg stick out on the inside of a twistie.
  9. It also adds a good 2.5 months to the riding season.
  10. No were near that dark on mine. Look at my screenshot above. But we need more red on the desktop version.
  11. A Japanese guy is making them for Kawasaki per their specs. Some kid in China is making them for NAPA as cheaply as possible.
  12. No, no one has done that because we know the factory ones are exactly right. And exactly right is the only correct choice.
  13. Is a dollar worth risking your life over?
  14. Might need to change your OR name to Yooper.
  15. Fuel Mart is my vote, for the following reasons. 1. Tradition. That is where we always meet, don't move my cheese please. 2. Giant snak and beverage selection. 3. @Killer_kaw lives next door and often walks over to chat. In fact that is how we met him and he came to hang out here. 4. Plenty of parking along the wall. We had 10+ bikes there last week. 5. It isn't a shithole.
  16. I know Michigan well. Expect 200 inches of snow per winter up there. Boatloads of marked trails....maps of it all up there for snowmobiles. You want a trail machine for up there, with good electrics for heated gear.
  17. Here is another funny story. Tonik sucks returns 89,000 results. Casper sucks returns 1.12 MILLION.
  18. Got it. Grep "Warning" \var\log\web.log ******Warning Casper broke it****** ******Warning Casper broke it****** ******Warning Casper broke it****** ******Warning Casper broke it****** ******Warning Casper broke it****** ******Warning Casper broke it****** ******Warning Casper broke it****** ******Warning Casper broke it****** ******Warning Casper broke it****** ******Warning Casper broke it******
  19. Wow, the people running this years fall trip are mean.
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