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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    Borrow a gopro?

    Do you even ride anymore bro? I am all set. @DerekClouser is going to hook me up, as long as I have it pointed towards the front so it doesn't show him.
  2. I signed up, Dome of Hate is in full effect. We are fine.
  3. Anyone near Cleveland got a gopro I can borrow for the 21st for my track day? Will need a mount too....I think I want something on my chest or on the handlebars so I can get my speedometer in the shot. But I am open to suggestions.
  4. You don't need plastics for a track day. Take off the broke stuff and ride it.
  5. Ok, just plopped down my 200 bucks for registration. No confirmation yet but I assume I am all set.
  6. Cool, I will join you folks. Doubt i will need to do any wrenching.
  7. Ok, I am in. According to Mid Ohio's website a Modular helmet is ok. Can any of you veterans confirm this. Are we ok on garages? I will certainly contribute to one....or get one and accept contributions (or handies). And how do we get garages together? Going to IP tomorrow night. I need to figure out what size I am if I am going to rent. But for 350 I will probably just buy one and use it when I am smoking everyone on 536.
  8. Paperwork might take awhile, don't panic.
  9. No, not going to make this one. I need more miles on it first.
  10. Looks like he forgot the Spot link. Since he posted it on Facebook going to assume adding it is ok. http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0V7ZlCxzdnSoREZdxDf6nb3yJdkhOAjzn
  11. Google says every 15K starting in 2010. So 9K more if google is right. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/news/new-bikes/2010/february/feb0310-multistrada-1200-servicing-costs-slashed-/
  12. Buddy of mine got caught up in being married and kids and all that. I know he is anal about maintenance and everything being perfect. He will come down a bit on the price. It went down once due to not being able to keep up with me. It was minor, he just kinda slid into the ditch. Few scratches from that. https://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/d/2011-ducati-multistrada-1200s/6221108167.html
  13. Tonik

    New Rider

    That was 30 miles before I smoked your ass on 536. You peeps sure are good at making excuses. @TimTheAzn had suspension problems, @2talltim was worried about him and waited for him and you had worn out tires and wrong turns.
  14. Exactly. And the potential shit show Saturday could have become if I had stayed home and not pulled 5 people out of the main group. But if peeps don't get it, I am cool with that. I tried to help, that is all I can do.
  15. ...according to Atheists. https://www.afp.com/en/news/2265/atheists-thought-immoral-even-fellow-atheists-study
  16. I went with the Nelson Rigg CL-1060-S Sport. It will fit pretty well width and length on the Fizzer plus it attaches under the seat so I don't have straps all over the place. Nelson has one a size bigger than the one I got but it was too big. The Corbin came in a close second. https://www.nelsonrigg.com/luggage/cl-series/sport-tail-seat-bag-detail.html
  17. I went through that debate last night figuring out which to order. It sucks trying to get it right. Did you google XSR tailbags? Gotta be a bunch of threads and pics from other people that have gone there before you. That is how I narrowed it down.
  18. 2nd might be pretty bad, that is Labor Day weekend. Damn illegal immigrants don't know our holidays.
  19. Bah, he was just avoiding me on 536.
  20. You are fine man, your still a noob.
  21. We are going to have a very interesting race up 536.
  22. About an hour longer. https://goo.gl/maps/y4bNRo9LFX72
  23. Do you even know what a group ride is anymore? Yea, he stepped up right after you loudly proclaimed "I ain't leading anyone!"
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