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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. F you you damn hippie. At least the cars are paying half. You ain't paying a damn thing with your bike you freeloading SOB.
  2. It's not for roads, it is for their special lanes and trails.
  3. Ok, we got a large crew here. So we will have multiple groups plus the two outcasts in their own group. Here are two Sygic files for the first half and the second half of the run. For the record we are stopping in New Concord at the Fuel Mart on 83 and Main St if we need to pick anyone up. Anywhere else along the way you need us to stop speak up. Saturday River Run Part 1.itf Saturday River Run Part 2 V2.itf
  4. Tonik

    More road morons

    I am neither loud nor slow.
  5. Tonik

    I own rep.

    Your paycheck comes from a database.
  6. Did you even read the god damn article we are we are discussing in this thread that is linked in the first god damn post?
  7. You are mathing wrong. They are not paying anywhere near the same taxes as a car. Plates, sales tax and gas tax. They are only paying 15 bucks ONCE on the sale of a new bike.
  8. I am guessing this is the key, how well you know the drill. Not if you are fast enough.
  9. Tonik

    I own rep.

    MS SQL is better.
  10. Correct me if I am wrong. There is no way Derek will make an I run his first day out. Not saying he isn't more than capable, saying
  11. If it looks decent Sunday I'm gonna head there and check it out.
  12. If I see you with a bear in your sidecar I am totally waving at the bear.
  13. This, I may not have tires on order. But I sure as hell got a taller shield on order.
  14. As a old white conservative guy that hates many taxes I agree with this tax. We pay taxes on gas and our plates to help pay for roads. Oregon has a huge network of bike lanes and stuff, it has to be paid for somehow.
  15. Tonik

    I own rep.

    Same for you.
  16. I think you have to be a 'Supporting Member' to get to it. The new software is weird on permissions. Or @Casper sucks. Lets see what he says (lies).
  17. Maybe we should post some links to some Craigslist ads!!
  18. I don't have any new tires. Still sporting the 8 year old tires that now have this really weird buildup right by the edge of the chicken strip.
  19. In Soviet Russia even the bears wave. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4702660/Giant-bear-rides-shotgun-motorcycle-Russian-street.html#v-794687451760380387
  20. So yesterday I pointed out to the wife that this new bike gives me the opportunity to do track days. "Oh, so you can burn up the new tires?"
  21. Wonder what that repave cost.
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