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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Did you buy @Isaac's Papa 's Zumo?
  2. Really just boils down to which you prefer, adjusting valves or changing batteries.
  3. "Clyde got it in late October. He was just gone....
  4. “It might have been a coyote. Maybe a fox,” said Lori Gergely. “Everything was completely gone, just her two feet standing there.” http://www.chroniclet.com/Local-News/2017/06/01/Depressed-duck-lookin-39-for-love-after-losing-companion.html
  5. Damn happy for you dude. See u next week.
  6. No Apple Pie for @2talltim if it isn't on the itinerary.
  7. If you asshats don't eat at Loveless Cafe you will be grounded.
  8. That is it, dunno the exact reason. I think its just easier to buss them together and get a good ground. They are frequently the source of problems. My previous Kaw melted one once
  9. You will be there, phil will do it, or i will or whaler will.
  10. Order that gizmo that Tim links to there and get it second day air'd in...and take Phil up on his offer. You will then see how to do it for next time.
  11. ^ Good theory by the noob. Check the fuses, then reseat each connection to messed with.
  12. Hellmutt is correct. The fun is Foothills, River Rd. and then BRP. 441 is a necessary evil to tie those three together.
  13. Yea, I can't believe they allow cars and bikes on at the same time. Seems like a really stupid idea.
  14. Tonik

    WTF Ma Kaw

    It just hit me what is going on here. The housing is aluminum and the piston is something else...and water is getting in there and blamo electrolysis. Dumbasses. So, I think I will have a pretty good case on this one. It is a design defect.
  15. I don't think you understand the rules of the contest. You have to insult Casper, not Harleys.
  16. Tonik

    WTF Ma Kaw

    I wonder if Triumph's extended warranty covers batteries.
  17. If you do it...go my way in tbe morning and then back the southern way you described. Try and hit Maggie Valley and the Wheels through time museum if you have not been there before.
  18. From Fontana, across the dragon. Hang a right on Foothills Pkwy (epic). Take that to 321 in Towsend go right on 321. Then right on Lamar Alexander Parkway which turns into Townsend Entrance Rd. Left on Little River Gorge Rd (epic) to 421. Right over the mountain (epic if no traffic) then left on BRP just before Cherokee. I call this Tonik Route #2
  19. Tonik

    WTF Ma Kaw

    Yea, I'm gonna make Kaw eat the whole assembly under my extended warranty.
  20. If you can get bags on it and be happy with that, that is the way to go. Lots of safe storage options for in the bag.
  21. Tonik

    WTF Ma Kaw

    Mines never left me stranded. Twice, that you will admit to. But yea, this is a real WTF.
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