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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Best thing from Trump so far. #ThanksTrump http://nypost.com/2017/02/13/playboy-is-featuring-naked-women-again/
  2. Here is another thread of yours, but different barrel?
  3. Here we go, less shitty pictures. HTH.
  4. Maybe a less shitty picture would help.
  5. BTW, in Lake Placid find the Olympic bobsled run. They put wheels on them and you can ride down. Its awesome.
  6. Even the NY Times is getting in on #ThanksTrump http://nypost.com/2017/02/12/clinton-reminds-us-why-were-lucky-she-lost-the-election/
  7. You definitely should. It's pretty awesome. Not the Smokies but pretty darn close.
  8. Tonik

    Chase Farris

    He went to the school I work at.
  9. Tonik

    Chase Farris

    So yea, he was at my work today.
  10. http://www.gettothebc.com/donut-trail
  11. Another implies that you actually own one in the first place. But you really should, the secret Saturday runs are pretty epic and right up your alley.
  12. I agree, it might be an early spring. Just need to ditch the salt. However we may still get creamed up here, the lake isn't going to freeze and those asshat Canadians may send a blast of dry cold air across the lake at us.
  13. We can do that. Paging @DerekClouser I have access to a drone also. So, when we get you up to speed, your test needs to be a turn to the left. You have it set now so you can't turn the wheel right...that is the direction you would turn the wheel if you were counter steering to go left. I suggest you use your motorcycle helmet when we do this.
  14. Yea, we need a big hill. I hit low 50's on a bicycle once. He can do it!
  15. I am still in shock you did this. You totally won the internet today.
  16. Wow, that is pretty epic. I think we need you to go faster though....before the counter steer is really in play. Any really big hills nearby?
  17. We could easily hit this on our typical Saturday.
  18. That's what you said about last Saturday.
  19. If you want silly, how about going to a damn track day when you don't own a damn bike.
  20. Bonus points if you look at the camera and say 'Hold my beer' before you start.
  21. Fair enough, I rescinded my negative vote.
  22. I down voted Tim's since he couldn't get the gif to work.
  23. LOL, I forgot about that. Yea I did that too.
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