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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Or do we just eat snacks at gas stations and ride? We do have daylight issues.
  2. Hey Gang, how about the Blue Bell Diner in McConnelsville for lunch? Anyone been there? http://seethemenu.net/bluebell2.htm Yes, they have hot dogs.
  3. Awesome. Not stopping in New Concord this time, so no hot dogs this trip.
  4. Over by Gatlinburg and Pidgeon Forge is where I would stay if I didn't have a bike. Most of the tourist stuff is there.
  5. What the hell. You invited yourself to this. To the motorcycle show and tou invited yourself on my Africa trip.
  6. 12:30 PM at the boat ramp at 210 and South Riverside Drive. I will have stickers unless I forget. Donuts will be gone by then.
  7. Subject edited. Problem solved. Back to epic.
  8. Damn, from solo to Epic to shitty in just 2 hours.
  9. Oh, someone that doesn't suck. I will make it too then.
  10. 12:30 PM at the boat ramp at 210 and South Riverside Drive.
  11. Pending negotiations @TimTheAzn is riding on the back of mine. Maybe you can work something out with the other Tim?
  12. Or New Concord, or even McConnellsville if that works better for you.
  13. And my Sunday just went EPIC!! A mile north of that split on your left is a Speedway, I will gas up there. ETA 10:30 AM. Tracker in case you lost it: http://www.greenalp.com/RealtimeTracker/index.php?viewuser=tonik
  14. The only people that ride on the back are the ones that I have sexual relations with. So yea, we can work something out.
  15. Kickstands up at 10 AM at the Minit Mart in Wooster. Down 83 to 78, over to Mcconnelsville to scout Spring Epic ride parking. Then back across 78 to Caldwell and down 564, 145, 260 to 26 to 800 back up to New Philly. From there I will take 21 home. Pace will be medium/medium + roads permitting.
  16. I will be down that way Sunday, and probably Monday both on the bike. I will look around. that southern boat ramp Tim found looks very promising.
  17. The bucket is a bad idea cuz of the gravel. That park above is too small.
  18. Yea, first post click on Edit. Near the top of the edit screen there is a tab that says 'Poll'. I can get to it as a mod if you can't. Just post up what you want here and I will do it.
  19. Yea, she is really excited about this. She was talking about it last night again.
  20. Oh man, I typed she would give me one if you took her for a spin. Damn autocorrect.
  21. So some quick googling, which I am sure you have done, is real clear. The sellers sig has to be notarized. The buyer doea not. The seller is a dumbass, or is f'ing with you.
  22. My wife will give you a handy if you take her for a spin. Sidecar is on her bucket list.
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