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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Yep. Dual compound tires are the only way to roll.
  2. My bike weighs a bunch more than yours, and that's not counting donuts, moonshine and spare batteries for Triumphs in the saddlebags. I too tend to ride somewhat aggressively. I get 15K on a rear, 20 on a front.
  3. ^ I hate you. That is such a nice setup.
  4. Top of page 10. Left side wears more because of road crown. Tim's got a heavy bike, he is a bit heavy and it has lots of HP and he uses all of it. If he wants good grip he is going to eat tires. Just the way it is on that bike.
  5. I took my mom there along with her husband and my wife. When we left the hotel I fired this up on repeat until we got to Graceland.
  6. And if you want to see 100K bikes in one place mark your calendar for October 13th and let me know. 6.5 hour drive for you, leave Thursday...come back Saturday or Sunday. You'll need your passport.
  7. For Memphis BBQ you want Central BBQ, preferably the downtown location near the Lorraine Motel/National Civil Rights Museum. Not sure how much touristy stuff you are doing but Sun Records is awesome, and as crazy as it sounds Graceland was a blast.
  8. Yea, these kinds of events are always fun. Unless you are a hater and can't just have a good time.
  9. Probably got the major pieces on it, realized it's really f'd and is now unloading.
  10. Wonder if the Canadians will build a wall.
  11. Well, I guess we don't have to round them up afterall. #ThanksTrump https://www.yahoo.com/news/worried-trump-asylum-seekers-walk-cold-road-canada-183626789.html
  12. I may not be full motorcycle mechanic, but I am a computer guy. And the big thing in IT is change control. Is it broke, yes. What was the last thing changed on the system prior to it breaking.
  13. The answer to that question is you are wrong. A well reworked suspension for someone that aggressively drives their bike is always a huge improvement. But you are right, it isn't right or wrong. It is good or better.
  14. He didn't, he edited the post to try and be vague but I have the original via email where it is clear he has no bike. Paging @Bad324 I am betting you still have your pool table, so you are still better than @TimTheAzn
  15. If you are keeping the bike for a bit, yes pry the money out of your cobweb covered wallet and do it right.
  16. It's the ignition module. It's f'ing up your timing and making it overheat. Swap it back out and try again.
  17. Did you get your bike Saturday, or should I continue to mock you?
  18. That's an interesting corollary, especially when you consider the last person to blow a 17 point lead was Hillary.
  19. It's related to what he just did on the bike. Too big of a coincidence that it just happened. He f'd something up, take all that shit back off and put it back the way it was. Then add on one item at a time. No offense, we have all f'd something up.
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