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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. j and j always seems to be really fair on their used bike prices. I bought my Nomad from them.
  2. No, even our Resident Idiot can make it go 0 to 60 in 3.7 seconds. You just mash and go. Computer puts max power to the wheels with no spin. And yea, it driving is the epic part...very cool.
  3. Yea, he doesn't have a bike. Only the memories of a broken man.
  4. Ok, this just went epic. Instead of points the grand prize will be driving the Tesla. Tesla or BAN!!
  5. Genius. I will make a new thread. Now that is a great contest idea.
  6. Yes, it uses a plug in. Tapatalk hijacks all links posted via TapaTalk and I believe images and uses a url shortener of shorts so that when I view a pic you post with tapatalk or click a link you posted I end up getting one of their bullshit cookies and end up in their bullshit tracking system. The original developer is still with Tapatalk, he is a real dick head. He sold it and his soul to some investment firm that is now focused on monetizing it and generating cash. Part of my hatred is I bought the full version prior to him selling out, so I should be exempt from their shenanigans, but am not. I love Tim to death, in a non-homo way, but If I owned this place I would get rid of that crap in a heartbeat.
  7. Those are the rules, well done sir. I would make another account and give myself neg rep also but that is against the rules.
  8. Not trying to be a dick either, but there are other skewed perceptions that need to be cleared up it would seem. I most certainly did ask one of your co-conspirators to reveal the details of the bug. He said not until the ban was over. Second, Tapatalk is not a legitimate app. It is a major privacy invasion for the people that use it, and to a certain extent to the people that don't that are reading threads where Tapatalk users have posted pics. It really is some bad shit. Surprised you used it for any reason at all. Now, I do agree that you never texted me asking for clemency. You skipped right past that and went straight to asking for a reward for finding the bug. But you know how bug bounties go, you disclose, do not abuse and keep it a secret until the owners have a reasonable chance to fix it. And now the big one, the idea of changing the ban for you three from expiring Monday to Tuesday wasn't 'extra', nor a 'punishment'. It would have simply been the fair thing to do. You know me, I am fair as hell. You agreed to the possibility of a 48 hour ban. Because of the bug you were only banned for 24 hours. Changing it to end on Tuesday would have only been a 48 hour ban, as originally agreed to. So, all in all, I would say I have been a damn nice guy on all of this. You should give me rep or points or something.
  9. If you mean me and Joe you are mistaken.
  10. That is one advantage I will have coming from the couch. Throwing that thing into a corner is flat out work. But is fun as hell.
  11. Thats one way to look at it. Here is another. A security hole was found, you and your cohorts in crime didnt disclose how you did it, and instead exploited it for you own gain. You are all texbook definitions of black hat hackers. Making something work as other than as intended for nefarious purposes. Then after Casper and I figured it and fixed the bug and you were banned you knuckleheads started texting me. So no, I didnt get a break from you guys at all. You are all grounded.
  12. It was just after you passed me like I was going the other way, even though I was doing 90 in the same direction.
  13. They were still running when I went by. Glad they weren't carrying.
  14. Damn you, just six posts ago I thought I had a plan. But you are right, there are lots of 'straight up' options. And no, I don't really hate Duc's, I admire the hell out of them. But don't tell @Isaac's Papa
  15. No, not at all. That was just part of my explanation to my wife. I shortened the conversation with her for the purposes of the thread. You are pretty much stuck with me when you ride now.
  16. So @Tpoppa @Connie14 have pretty well nailed the real question. Am I adding a comfortable more sporty bike to my stable, or am I replacing it with a rock solid Sport Touring bike. My learned Asian friend nailed that in the first post. I certainly was checking out T'pop's bike at the Epic ride and the gap trip. If I go sporty and add to the stable the 1200 is an extremely strong contender, as would be the Multi though a different breed than the VFR. Lets face it, I am old. It won't be a liter GXR 1000 or a Busa, I will either kill myself or mess up my body...or hate it because it doesn't have the basic comfort I am used to. If this is a replacement, assuming Mrs. Tonik is reasonably comfortable, then it will be a Connie when they add cruise or an FJR. Might need to look at the Honda ST, but there must be something up with those...they don't seem to get much love. Honestly, a Wing isn't a bad idea either. Not as fast but damn fast and nimble. As for the suggestion my son buy me one, he has offered. I turned him down. In the event I get killed or hurt I don't want that on his shoulders. Now, if he offers me a Tesla, I am all over that shit. I thank each and everyone of you, I really appreciate the advice. It's going to happen....just got to ride the hell out of everything like @Isaac's Papa said. Maybe we need an invitation only OR Demo Day where we ride each others bikes.
  17. They should make you an honorary member.
  18. Not Going to be a next time. The three 's ruined it for everyone.
  19. WTF is that? EDIT: Haha, the one you bought me. Yea, it tasted really good knowing later in the day I was going to ban your ass.
  20. Wooo, IP rents FJR's for 130 bucks a day. Connie is out, for that kind of money I won't own a bike without ABS.
  21. Yea, that is my concern too.
  22. Ok, everyone is un-banned. Even the three 's. They should be grateful I am such a kind and understanding guy.
  23. 15 minutes to go. Betting in about 13 minutes @2talltim will be hitting refresh on his tapatalk....trying to see if the ban is lifted. Or if it is extended. Wait, since he was the ring leader should he get his day, and Joe's and Sam's? And they get off?
  24. Going to take the Mrs. to the Yamaha demo days at IP. I hope like hell the FJR has the trunk on it.
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