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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. That looks really great. I would just accent the rims with the orange. That flat section on the outside if the rim near the lip/bead.
  2. Tonik

    Masonary advise

    That is retarded advice. Different depths beside each other will rise and fall at different rates as the seasons change.
  3. Well, he hit really bad traffic and detoured or took a wrong turn. Or he was meeting his co-riders.
  4. Sissy. At 10 over you got no worries until you approach Kings Island.
  5. Better yet, stay at the beginning of this route. Go around the city in the morning on 'Devil's Triangle' Just be careful, it is an awesome road but can go from brand new to total crap in a heartbeat. Also a coal mine on the road so watch for the trucks and the coal dust. Stop at the prison. Great picture opp there. https://goo.gl/maps/vHeD38eqrH42
  6. I got off while my kid was little, didn't even own a bike. Never regretted it, kids are the most important thing we do with our lives.
  7. Knoxville morning traffic blows dead goats. Shoot for Alcoa.
  8. Only on OR can a thread migrate from 'Hi, I'm new here!!' to crappy IT people to horse porn to balancing kids/bike.
  9. One of the more epic roads down there. I have not been on that in a few years, they messed it up pretty bad when they chip sealed it. Have you been on it recently?
  10. And they are lucky I don't have kids in school. If your kid shows my kid horse porn I am beating your ass.
  11. If kids are viewing porn and I don't stop it I am a felon. 5 years. I don't go to jail if they get past the filter, but if they get past it, I know and don't fix that issue then I am going away. Need to apply the same law to Parents. If your kid is searching for horse porn and you don't stop it you go to jail.
  12. I have heard Samsung washers last much longer if you use Mobil 1.
  13. And for the record, I don't mess with the teachers. The vast vast majority of the teachers rock.
  14. Funny you should mention that. Yesterday bunch of kindergartners looking at porn. The terms they search for are sad.... girls sucking dick... women peeing....Breaks my heart that the world has progressed to this. Nothing wrong with that kind of thing just not at that age. Be a kid at least for a few years. Parents suck, there is no doubt about it.
  15. FYI, the event was yesterday. So while the advice is great, it is useless!!
  16. Welcome. Also in IT. Lots of us here are actually. The board owner is, but he sucks at it as you will learn. Hit the rides and events section. Come to the Epic ride. Groups and paces for everyone from slow to Mach Retard.
  17. Tonik

    ABS or Pass?

    And this is why I like my linked brakes. I can push the front hard and it adds a little rear.
  18. Our LG front loaders are about 6 years old. Had to replace the front seal because of the smell thing, I did that myself. If you leave the door open when you are done you won't have a problem. We learned that the hard way. Wasn't a big deal, like 50 bucks at Amazon and an hour's work. Other than that they have been great. Love the extra capacity and the very low water usage.
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