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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Done, but don't tell anyone I was helpful. Don't want to ruin my reputation.
  2. Was there electricity in the plug wire? That is the first thing to check.
  3. Tonik

    Concealed Carry

    Dunno. But I think we should follow his lead.
  4. It is, but why you didnt contact them before buying is what I want to know.
  5. Three periods but not a single complete sentence. Faggot
  6. Fuck you homo. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/homo%27s
  7. I have a higher end Onkyo 7.1 receiver. Very happy with it.
  8. Yea, even Penny on Bing Bang Theory knows about those.
  9. Also remember that the suggestions so far don't include a replacement dvd/blue ray player. But you really should separate those functions anyway.
  10. You homo's know about this right? http://clevelandvelodrome.org/
  11. I don't think much of HF anything is for someone doing as much work as you do Sam. Their stuff is great for us DIY'ers for the most part, but I don't see it holding up long enough as you would use it.
  12. I imagine that is a problem for crack heads/beggars. They should get Square for their phones, or take paypal or something.
  13. Both of those are small percentages compared to rider at fault crashing all by yourself. I think that is in the 80 percent range.
  14. There is a recall on the charging system I believe if you have not had it done. Might explain it needing a battery. Damn nice bike man. http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/recall/triumph-street-triple-r-daytona-675-recall/
  15. Nevermind. After looking and pondering I ripped out the drywall.
  16. So I have a basement bathroom with a small shower stall in it. Your basic 3 sided stall with a plastic tub in the bottom. It had formica on the three walls. That is ripped out and behind it is, as you would expect drywall. I am tiling it. Nice tile, want it to look nice and last. The walls will be tiled floor to ceiling. BUT, this shower will not be used very often. Hardly at all as a matter of fact. Do I really have to rip that drywall out and put in backer board? I will if I have to, but would rather avoid that PITA. Our house is nice, but it is no mansion or a big deal. Just want a decent finished shower there.
  17. And if you find one in stock at a dealer up here I will pick it up, rub it on my balls, and fed ex it to you if you want.
  18. I have to admit I was concerned that having you there would put a damper on the gayness. But I was wrong.
  19. Great meeting you John. I was totally wearing assless chaps, full pirate leather is my choice when it is cold. BTW, assless chaps is redundant. If they weren't assless they would be leather pants.
  20. Home, was a blast Sam. tyvm for hosting us. Those that didn't show missed a great time. Stopped for gas on the way home, and a whole van load of f'ing clowns showed up. Not dumbasses, but actual clowns. Was very glad I was carrying.
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