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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. The recent update must have undone the previous limit. I will let the incompetent powers that be know.
  2. Women say that to me all the time. What size are these photos that don't fit? How many MB's......?
  3. LOL, tried to fix that for you and made it far worse.
  4. Once you meet IP you will be voting with me for the same reasons.
  5. Well that settles it for me. I am voting The Donald, just to piss you off.
  6. ^^Throws wild gay biker parties.
  7. Hey, anyone that banged Stevie Nicks is ok in my book.
  8. Bingo. The system has been rigged for generations. We get to choose between two asshats that have been chosen for us. And Donald could blow the system wide open once and for all. Currently the only thing holding me back from voting for him is the war powers act. He can mobilize half a million of Americas finest without any oversight for 100 days.
  9. You mis understand his post. Let me interpert Asian for you: In the last year he put more miles on it than the previous two owners did the entire time they had it. Odd that he sucks at english being raised by white people. Woulda thought he sucked at what ever Asian he is. He is probably wrong, we have already proven he sucks at math.
  10. Yea, because what we all need are two Mondays.
  11. Do you see that option in the poll? No, you don't.
  12. Perhaps send the carbs out to a professional re-builder? Probably a hundy plus parts. Parts you have to buy anyway.
  13. Apparently Asians are not good at placing ads. I would suggest you consider putting a price on it, maybe a few pics.
  14. Ok, Tom Petty I like. Well, like is a pretty strong word. Lets go with 'don't hate'.
  15. We pretty much hate everything. At least I do.
  16. Yep, I have had my street bikes on far worse. Parson's Branch Road for one.
  17. I set the poll so everyone can see who voted. I am with you, one person one vote...elections matter....right or wrong we are a Democracy(technically a Representative Republic)....plus the two ruling parties have far too much power as it is....there are a host of reasons.
  18. So, you are a Republican Delegate in a state that has a winner take all primary format. The Donald won your state, thus making you a committed delegate. Now you are at the convention, and convention rules state you can still vote however the hell you want. Would you vote for him, see the poll above.
  19. You peeps should buy these. Heated gear is the bomb, it really extends the riding season. Especially if you head to the mountains where it is colder in the mornings in the higher altitudes.
  20. Then you will fit right in here.
  21. Cut the old filter in half with a hack saw and see what is in there. Did you drain and clean the tank?
  22. So barricades for schools are stalled, Ohio allows them now. But the ADA does not. http://www.wlwt.com/news/New-Ohio-school-barricade-rules-concern-disability-group/38934612
  23. I grew up there. Clearly you know what you are doing. Detroit scares me from the standpont that the glut there is massive. They are tearing down square miles of homes trying to clear some of it up. Additionally the entire infrastruture has colapsed. The city is bankrupt, the schools are bankrupt. They had to turn off the street lights because the city cant pay the electric bill. I just dont see many people buying there. Be interesting what your research shows
  24. That would certainly take the gayness up to the next level. So yea, go for it.
  25. You need to get on your bike when you try these on. That is when they are supposed to feel right.
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