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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. First, she isn't going to get convicted. Those laws are written for people that are spies or that intentionally give away secrets. They simply do not apply to someone that is stupid and does something stupid. That said, if she gets convicted she can still serve. Unless the House impeaches her (which means bring charges) and the Senate would then have a trial on those charges and if convicted she would be removed from office. It would never come to that, if convicted she would cut a deal with her VP to be pardoned if she resigns. Just like with Nixon. But again, she isn't going down for the emails.
  2. I was gonna go with that, but it seemed so cliche.
  3. Tonik

    New Bike!

    Epic, congrats man. Can't wait to see it. That exhaust is flat out cool.
  4. You know the rules, pics of you without a shirt or it didn't happen. Sorry Hellmutt, that was just sitting there waiting to be asked.
  5. IP nailed it, I knew someone would. You create space around you. And space creates time to react and avoid. Predictable is also a big part of it as mentioned by our resident Idiot. Ok, I was trolling a little, but in a good way.
  6. I get that, and that is where I am. But are we safer....say in the turnpike where there isnt much merging traffic staying right...going slower so we dont get clipped while passing. Guess I answered my own question. It depends. I actually do run right on the turnpike.
  7. I got your bend over straw right here buddy.
  8. It seems like the conventional wisdom is that going a little faster than the rest of the traffic on the freeway is safer. Or maybe no one believes that and I am mistaken on that perception. Why is that? Not trolling. If I am passing people I increase the chance that I will be passing someone and they will change lanes, where as if they are passing me they see me as they approach. I am not talking about going 50 in a 70, but say 70, or 67. Now, being in the left lane on a busy freeway...I am all over that, gets you away from merging and exiting traffic...you got the left to escape. But that is a lane choice issue, not a speed issue.
  9. Jesus, you are dealing with Rachel. Rachel from card member services!! Find her, kill her.
  10. Bah, 75 percent of abortions are about birth control, not 'reproductive health' what ever the fuck that is. https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/journals/3711005.pdf
  11. He stole it from me.
  12. Yea, it was one of my better ones. I was sad to see the first response completely missed it. Thanks for the affirmation of my witty humor, much appreciated.
  13. In my sick twisted way it is amusing to watch you ex-trailer queens scramble before the gap trip.
  14. Shouldn't Ted have been forced to carry his inviable campaign to full term?
  15. I pulled mine on a bull once in the middle of the road. He had his head down and was snorting at me. I was convinced one of us was about to die, my money was on the bull. Edit: My money was on the bull making it, me dying. Badly worded there.
  16. 400 mg of ibuprofen every 4 hours till you get home.
  17. Yea, gonna pm them my address so they can ship them to me ahead of time.
  18. Most of the time outside jacket pocket zipped up, small revolver. Once in awhile the FNX is in a shoulder holster but i prefer that at home for the wife, she is deadly with that thing, the revolver not so much. Practice practice practice getting it out.
  19. Buy your bike back, take the trip then sell it again.
  20. Yep, always. Keeps the wife happy to see I am still moving. I will share with everyone, can be handy when meeting up like we are. If they are at a gas stop they can look me up.
  21. Thanks, I'm a dumbass.
  22. Beckley to Marion is not slab at all. Getting to the Beckley meet point by 3:30 pm is 4.5 hours plus stops. So now that I think about it, it will be mostly slab. EDIT: Probably hop off in Charleston and get on 3 to Beckley, that is an interesting road.
  23. We have ten bikes, we won't be adding any more unless someone drops. THIS GROUP IS NOW CLOSED. So it appears I am hauling a group down to the gap. The group is currently full, pending the two tentative peeps. If they drop I will have more room. @Casper @cmh_sprint @OsuMj @marlboro man @TimTheAzn @Blitz @Isaac's Papa @Howabusa @Cdubyah (Horararyarary Member) Current plan, subject to adjustment is to meet in Beckley WV at 3:30 PM Wednesday. I am leaving Clev in the morning doing a combo of slab and back roads down. Casper, Cdub and Tyler are leaving C-Bus noonish. IP is meeting me in New Philly on the way down. Wed 3:30 meet spot. BP at exit 42 and 77 near Beckley. 2001 Robert C Byrd Dr, MacArthur, WV 25873 Wed. Beckley to Marion VA via 16. 120 miles 3 hours or so. Short stop on the side of the road for the rooster farm. I love the rooster farm, it is epic. Wed Route: https://goo.gl/maps/Ww4DahB9LkA2 Hotel Wed night is Americas Best Value Inn 1424 N Main St, Marion, VA 24354 http://www.americasbestvalueinn.com/bestv.cfm?idp=1967&rcode=sim2016 Make your own reservations, get your own roommates if you want to share a room. No, I don't share rooms. I hate that. Thursday: Marion to Maggie Valley to Franklin to Fontana. 300 miles about 7 hours. Hitting 'The Snake' on the way to Maggie, then 212 and 209. Stopping in Maggie for the Wheels Through Time museum. After the museum we will decide on Franklin and the Cafe Rel. If not we will short cut it via the BRP to Fontana. We could split up if peeps have differing views. Thursday route: https://goo.gl/maps/78okW68oCZF2
  24. Tonik

    F U UPS

    Might want to look around and see if anyone makes a throttle mod for it, a 'quick turn'. I have that on mine, makes throttle response much faster and more accurate. A common Kaw problem.
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