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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. In talking to the powers that be, the current upload limit is just over 500k
  2. So, hypothetically say someone here was going on the gap trip and was pretty good at making moonshine. Which should he bring, hypothetically. Vote above. Please only vote if you are going and will be drinking some. Straight up corn moonshine.170 proof apx. Tastes like an ass and burns like a mofo and will make you crazy drunk in a heartbeat. I'm serious, crazy drunk in a heartbeat. Like you will miss the rest of the night drunk. Apple pie moonshine. 70 proof apx. Uses the above as a base, then flavored. Very tasty stuff. Unaged Bourbon. 95 proof apx. Unaged because there isn't enough time to ferment, distill and then oak age. It needs a good three months in an oak barrel. So it will be a tad harsh. Russian Potato Vodka. 80 proof apx. It's vodka, very tasty if you are a vodka fan.
  3. Tonik

    OR Decals

    Great, trailer, Element and now patches. Did you lose your balls in an accident over the winter?
  4. Yea. We can always park it down the street at my father in laws house so it isn't associated with me.
  5. I would pay to see you on that 250.
  6. I will be there. Bring the bike and whatever lights you buy, we will make them work.
  7. Maybe, not really sure. Might need to do a little drilling where the mounting hole is...can't say for sure.
  8. Perfect, come to our NEO meetup. You will fit right in!! You can sleep at my house if you want to. But no homo stuff when the wife is around.
  9. Or aftermarket from Amazon, overnight shipping. double check the below, but I believe it is the correct aftermarket replacement. http://www.amazon.com/Technologies-DOT-Approved-Turn-Signal/dp/B000GU0H66
  10. Best bet is http://pinwallcycle.com/ Call them, don't rely on the website search function.
  11. Hauling a perfectly good bike on a trailer is gay. Hauling it with a Honda Element is more gay. But both of those are less gay than not having a bike at all. There is no back pedaling here.
  12. Sorry man, dick size isn't a learned behavior/nurturing thing. Dick size is a hereditary thing, and you are Asian. And Asian's have small dicks.
  13. Could one/all of you three describe more what your issue is....what are you uploading, what device, what steps are you using to upload it (what part of OR are you using) what is the exact wording of the error message please. Neither I nor @Casper can recreate your issue. The limit is currently huge as far as we can see...but clearly there is a way you folks are doing it that we need to figure out.
  14. Depends on your setup. In my case it would be a retarded solution since my phone is right next to my fairing and there are four spare factory switched leads in there to plug in to.
  15. Bump, OP updated. It's officially for sale.
  16. Mounting, earbud..bluetooth. Yea it takes some experimenting to figure out what is best for you. Took me awhile. I ended up on my handlebars with a Ram Mount but I have a big fairing so it has to rain really hard before I have to do something. So power from the fairing was easy, then I ran a aux cable under the tank that comes up right under my seat. Run the earbuds under my jacket and plug in. Also ran a second cable so I can just aux it into the bike's stereo. Can't really hear what she is saying that way but I can hear her...know that something is coming up and glance at the phone. I got really tired of bluetoothing it, seemed like I was always dicking around paring up or charging. But that was awhile ago, the newer sena's seem to work much better than what I had.
  17. It's hard to let go of the past @Casper There were some really cool things back then. For example you hadn't been born yet.
  18. And I was driving a 66 convertable vette while you were still swimming around in your dads balls.
  19. One you need a power cord for it. It will kill your battery. I nav with my phone all the time, on long days. Two you need a nav program that does not need a signal...for data. I use Sygic. Its like 25 bucks for all of north america. Takes up about 5 gigs if you download it all but I just download the states I need. Then you need to mount it so you can see it, or earbud it.
  20. I dont need a pt cruiser to generate hate for you.
  21. This is a question for her doctor. But I know a few people that have had one, or both replaced. They are as good as new. Some of them ski which is hard on knees.
  22. FYI, to embed videos here from YouTube just post the url it automagically embeds them. But you need the long url, not the mobile url's.
  23. Nothing with a motorcycle trailer behind it.
  24. Not because it may or may not be a beater, but because ot is gay.
  25. An Element? So you dont even have a man card to burn. It self destructed years ago.
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