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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. I always give everyone a donut no matter what group they are in. Yours will be extra special.
  2. Yes, you can never have too many Triumphs with dead batteries and crashing Duc's in a group. But there is a point where I will tell others to f' off and die. Don't want a huge group on those back roads......we have six now, not counting those that drop out due to dead batteries or crashing. Current plan is to meet Ben and Matt and the guy whose name I don't know in Beckley around 3:330 or so Wed. Matt is tied up until noonish. So I was just going to leave in the morning, not too early and wander down 800 or something. Then a couple of hours down 16 from Beckly to Marion VA for the night.
  3. Politics in the politics forum please, some people really freak out about that......
  4. Thursday man...we arrive in Fontana Thursday. When you call back blame us if it helps.
  5. So you want to be in c-bus noonish Wed. roll with them to Beckley WV where you meet me coming from Cleveland. Fun starts instantly at that point, down 16 to Marion for the night. Pauley meets us there. Then Thursday is epic. The Snake, 209, 212 Wheels Through Time Museum, bit of BRP maybe then Blue Crab Bisque in Franklin.
  6. FYI, if you were going down with ben and matt...which also means me and pauly we are going down via WV, staying in Virginia Wednesday night.....
  7. Last of the supplies are here other than a few spices and such from the grocery store.
  8. It is led by an asshat that hates pretty much everyone and everything. Except donuts which he brings a bunch of. You get a donut even if you are not in the group. He rides a giant couch but is fast as hell, relatively speaking. A tad over medium as described in the op. All of the Ducati's that have followed him except one has crashed. He rides the route backwards, so he can flip off the other groups as they pass.
  9. Can I borrow it, so I can entice people to try and pair with me...so I can shoot them?
  10. I get the entire weather band too.
  11. Then after shooting you for trying to pair to me I would shoot myself for having a sena in the first place.
  12. Not in my group. If I had a Sena and you tried to pair it with me I would consider shooting you.
  13. Student debt is the same as any other debt, other than you can't dismiss it with bankruptcy. Refi to the lowest rate possible, but don't encumber your HELOC with it, and pay off the highest rate debt first.
  14. The HATE group will be leaving last, so anyone that wants to drop up or down can just pull over and wait for us. However you MUST make your group aware and you MUST do so before you turn left on 78. That is the first turn...the HATE group will be turning right. We run the route backwards so we can flip off the other groups.
  15. True you are not saving as much because of the non-zero interest but you are still saving a considerable amount of money. As you continue to buy used you will continue to bank more money. As you get older you will start putting more and more down on the used cars and thus banking more...eventually paying cash. Then you will retire and buy a new Lambo, for cash. Stay the course man.
  16. I will close the poll before you choose.
  17. Damn old people. Fixed it for you. Just paste the link...leave out the IMG tags in front and on the end. So just: Http...bullshit....png
  18. Tonik

    OR Decals

    How about I just above a donut up your ass.
  19. It probably doesnt need a battery, take that and run with it.
  20. Tonik

    OR Decals

    You turned me down last time I offered you one. I remember donut events....hurt my feelings.
  21. Tonik

    OR Decals

    Yea, but you cant have the apple filled donut. That is mine.
  22. Tonik

    OR Decals

    I pm'd Casper. He is sending me a bunch to hand out at the epic ride.
  23. To get 5K in rebates assuming 1% cash back you would have to charge 500,000. But your point is still valid. If you go to IP and spend a grand and pay cash you spent a grand. If I go there and hit it with a 1% card I spent 990 bucks. The only way cash is a better deal is if there is a cash discount available or I don't pay my grand off at the end of the month. Hell, I paid for 3K of my wifes car with a credit card, that was the max the dealer would allow. 30 bucks is a tank of gas for her car. Free. If we had just paid cash for the whole car we would not have gotten that. It isn't about how much the credit card company makes, it is about how much you pay, net after cash back.
  24. Tonik

    OR Decals

    That would require him to show up.
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