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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Got your bourbon, no Tesla he doesnt land till later today. Leaving in 15.
  2. Yea don't matter if it's fed ex or ups, still gay as fuck.
  3. Holy gayness Batman. You ain't responsible if it gets stolen. You just reorder and ups cuts you a check. That's lame.
  4. Wait, who is bringing the gladiator movies?
  5. Or me, leaving the seven hills area around 1 pm.
  6. UPS should be by Sam's place by 10 am. http://www.amazon.com/Passion-Natural-Water-Based-Lubricant-Gallon/dp/B005MR3IVO
  7. Used Windex on my last one for years.
  8. Buy some then try it on someone elses helmet.
  9. My arrival time is apx 2 PM. Driving back from Michigan that morning.
  10. IP will come through. He is a master stuffing at it in the 'back pack'
  11. Its this Saturday. There is another thread with the details.
  12. Dont really get paid per click. The click has to watch the commercial....so clicks are just an indication of revenue.
  13. His current hobby of trolling the internet with controversial videos seems just fine. I would guesstimate his income from that at 75k a year.
  14. Churches, even if there is no sign. Unless you have the prior consent of the church.
  15. By odps do ypu mean ohio deparment of public services? They dont need no stinking sign, you cant carry there.
  16. Yea, look at Brian. He has threadfuls of crap for sale that never sells.
  17. Sell the top gun poster for 4k, or maybe trade it to him.
  18. So, if I bring the Tesla what kind of sexual favors would I get?
  19. I put up a new topic with a poll, so Sam can get a head count. Get your asses over there and respond so he knows how much lube to get.
  20. I would meet you up there but I am designated driver for my wife's girls night out tonight. Could be really good to be Tonik tonight.
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