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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. 63 and sunny for those of you that are going to comply with the Nazi-like rules.
  2. Justin makes a valid point. Considering the cost over the miles of use you get...getting rid of them a couple of thou early isn't expensive.
  3. Good point, if he didn't have one he is in a world of trouble.
  4. It's not invincible/perfect, but it is pretty darn reliable.
  5. With you nearby, the hate will be stronger than usual.
  6. I did that last year going down in the fall on 16. God it sucked, first time in a long long time. Tim about shit his pants.
  7. Go for the grippier ones, if you are following me to the Gap you will need them.
  8. Ok, booked my room. There is only one bed, so unless you are my wife I am not sharing a room. Leaving Wed, two days down then leaving Fontana Saturday, going to make it two days back and blast around Kentucky again.
  9. Happens all the time. Guy I work with went out at lunchtime and bought a bike, drove it over to some friends house that had a gravel driveway that night and dropped it in the gravel. Took it back and sold it back to them the next day. So it had less than 100 on it. Tons of peeps buy bikes and don't ride them. I know one couple that hasn't started theirs in two years.
  10. Joe and the track riders have a valid reason, rest of you....
  11. I was riding bikes while you two clowns were still swimming around in your dads balls.
  12. You asshats sure got a lot of excuses for not riding your bikes. Jesus, I probably got more miles on my bike than you do on your trailer and bike put together.
  13. If a bike leaves Cleveland with two people on it going 80 and a truck hauling a bike on a trailer leaves at the same time going 80 which one gets to Denver first?
  14. Damn right they are, and trailers are for sissys. We know, you trailer everywhere. Guessing since you sold your trailer the bike is next?
  15. You need a trailer to go to Colorodo?!? I'm going in late June, and right the hell past it to Utah. And then maybe Vegas. Wife will be on the back. She don't need a trailer, why do you?
  16. Great, another rider that is going to haul his bike around instead of riding it.
  17. Thats pretty impressive, especially for a retard.
  18. If a tree falls over in the woods and no one can hear it, does it make any sound? If all the other harleys are drowning out yours, is yours making any sound?
  19. Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Rest of you folks made that way harder than it needed to be.
  20. Yep. And intentionally cutting him off while he has his lights on and was performing a stop, doing wheelies a couple of feet away while he is out of his car show intent to do harm. And yes, the bikers in the back of that group are as guilty as the ones up front. The are all part of the same overall crime, they are all responsible for what happens. Would I be in fear for my safety in that situation. Damn right I would, and so would all of you.
  21. The answer would be yes as they can certainly shoot at a moving vehicle if they feel their life was in danger. Perhaps the officer deserves an award for using restraint. HTH.
  22. The stuff I order from @RidersDiscount shows up the day before I order it.
  23. Falls are better in the spring, as is the scenery. But Szalay's is better in the fall, it is a farmers market. In the fall they got roasted corn and stuff like that. If I had to pick one or the other I would pick spring. If you are hiking then hit Deer Lick Cave.
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