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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. So describe what kind of riding you intend to do...don't think bike..just think what kind of riding. Long trips, long days...2 up (when hell frezzes over). Mini Iron Butts, whats the end goal here my friend? Medium, medium fast, mach retard?
  2. So even though they won, they are still losers?
  3. I wouldn't but it without a title.
  4. Relax, its the battery. Its always the battery.
  5. Casper should get a truckload of them.
  6. Red Robin milk shakes are so thick they make me want to kill people. God that pisses me off. If I wanted a cup of ice cream I would have ordered it. Plus it never shows up until half way through the meal.
  7. Had a great ride. Appreciate no one showing and thus making it more pleasant. Time for Turkey.
  8. FYI, unless someone posts and says they are going to be at the BP..I am not stopping there.
  9. So how exactly do you know where the gay hookup bathrooms and Craigslist sections are?
  10. Isn't that good advice even without a bomb scare?
  11. I should add this will be a spirited cruiser pace, road conditions permitting. I expect there will be gravel and leaves and stuff.
  12. Tonik


    It took nine pages for someone to post something intelligent.
  13. Sale is over it appears. I got mine ordered in time.
  14. Leaving at noon, route is below. It is an hour long ramble through Cuyahoga Valley. It ends near a McDonalds, I plan on drinking a hot chocolate if needed then turning around and doing it in reverse. If any of you have the balls to ride in the mid to high 50's and actually have a bike I will meet you at the BP at 82 and 77 at noon. Boots up at 12:00. https://goo.gl/maps/HjZSqpVDd1T2
  15. ^ FYI Brian, he is talking about you.
  16. Could you elaborate on that Tim?
  17. And when I said Tony Ortega, I didn't mean you. I ment the author of that pile of poo you linked to.
  18. Other than the fact that I said nothing about Latinos great point.
  19. Well I'm glad to see Tony Ortega has found a new religion to hate. It has proven to be a lucrative career for him.
  20. It was the second link that I sent you to. If you didn't read it that is on you. We are not responsible for educating you.
  21. So liberals are more dangerous than Muslims.
  22. Didn't see your post. Guessing I have you on ignore.
  23. I am good with that number. Isn't the number 7% for Jews?
  24. Limited time, some kind of black friday thing. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B010DP8PIU/ref=gbph_tit_m-3_2642_75e66350?smid=A294P4X9EWVXLJ&pf_rd_p=2296542642&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-3&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=384082011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1H2N4D4DFX4B58WZQ7ZP
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