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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. What do you have done to your Camry??
  2. SO intense. I've seen it before, I knew the outcome, and I was still jumping around and peaking through my hands like a little kid.
  3. This. Not gonna claim to be the biggest fan in the world, but that was just awesome.
  4. Did anyone notice that some creeper made a screen name for his doll, and posts as the dolls personality?
  5. Hahahaha wtf was that?? I lost it.
  6. Yeah sure, almost taking both hands off the wheel to shift seems like a GREAT idea.
  7. Thank you for posting this. I had mine done my Sophomore year of high school. Everything was good until like 2 years ago I had a tiny piece of tooth come popping through where I had one of my wisdom teeth removed. I had no idea that they broke the tooth, so now my situation makes a little more sense.
  8. Oh, Baxter. You know I don't speak Spanish. In English, please.
  9. This may sound a little ridiculous, but do you guys have any good boot recommendations? I've always been a tennis shoes kind of guy, and haven't had a pair of boots since I was a little kid and my parents got them for me. I'm looking for something that I could wear most days if I wanted, or do some light/beginner hiking.
  10. Oh I know. I'd flip my wig if it ends up taking longer than if I had waited till the 16th to go to Franklin county. Especially with the hour each way drive for me to get to Fairfield.
  11. Haha okay good...I was starting to get worried. If I'm not the only one then I'm sure its normal.
  12. Did they get yours back to you yet?
  13. Lol I went with a Glock 19 a few weeks ago.
  14. Yep, at Thomas Worthington. Very cool person.
  15. Her name is Rachel. She's actually made a pretty good recovery. I wondered if she'd ever be able to walk again, but she's mostly back to normal, I believe. It's been a few years since I've talked to her too, so I would assume she's even more recovered now.
  16. Period flavor cupcake??
  17. Yep, just made an appointment for April 16 downtown. I'm thinking about calling Delaware and seeing what the wait is for them and maybe cancelling with Franklin. I didn't take my class this weekend with you did I? At Survival Tactics in Reynoldsburg?
  18. Alrighty brochachos, my girlfriend is looking at getting a Kia Soul. I was wondering if anyone on here has any experience with them, or has worked on them. We've got two dogs so she wanted something practical with good gas mileage, but also enough room for the pups. Thanks for any input!
  19. Look up the "big freeze" and the "big crunch"...if my memory serves me right lol.
  20. Gotta add to the love, Sheetz is the fucking best!
  21. Bigbird


    S. Seems pretty normal from the 3+ I've had. Well as normal as being concussed is. I mean I get dizzy from time to time even now, years later. That could be completely unrelated though.
  22. Like $35 on Amazon. You'll pay $20 more at Barnes & Noble.
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