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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Alright, so I went to the range and shot a gun for the first time in my life, about a month ago. I definitely got "the bug", and a buddy of mine is getting a group of friends together to do a CCW class together at the end of March. I would like to have my first handgun by then, so that I could take it with me and do the class with it. I'm 6'1" and about 185lbs, so I'm not huge and don't know if it will be reasonable to carry a full sized gun on me. At the range I shot a Glock 9mm, and some variation of a .45 1911. I was definitely more accurate with the Glock, and like the thought of great reliability without having to spend a ton on a handgun. Because of this I've naturally been looking at the more compact Glocks. Now beyond a Glock I'm completely lost. I know there are just an incredible amount of options out there, and the only other guns I've really looked at are the more compact S&W's. And admittedly that's only due to name recognition and aesthetics. So if you guys could help me narrow things down to 2-3 choices that I could go to the range and try out, that would be much appreciated. My last question is an often discussed topic, 9mm or .40? The guy working at the Powder Room that I talked to made it seem like the extra power of the .40 over 9mm wasn't that great to really bother going with it. What's your guys take on it? This gun will be for carry and home defense (at least until I can get my dream AR 15). Thanks everyone.
  2. The girlfriend and I were really excited for this one, and I've been trying to catch up on the comic all week to get pumped. Then with about 3 minutes left in the episode she says to me, "so nothing happened in the last hour?" Pretty much sums it up. I'll keep watching because it's better than most of what's on TV these days, but they need to step it up.
  3. Will Verizon ever get anywhere near the international 4G speed standard of 100 Mbps Up/Down?
  4. Agreed. Definitely a step back in the right direction. The show definitely got stagnant with the whole farm/searching thing. Hopefully this brings it out the slump.
  5. You always seemed like good people to me. Hope things work out for you, Mopar.
  6. Troof. I went there last weekend for my first time ever at a range, or shooting a gun. (I won't count the tiny .22 pea-shooter a family friend let me use once when I was like 10. It was a ton of fun and the guys behind the counter were very polite. I told them I was new to all of this and they let me check out a few handguns and an AR...soooo much want now.
  7. Wtf...I used to run around your neighborhood all day/night and it all felt like one giant back yard. We actually haven't had as many vehicle break in's in my neighborhood recently as we have in past years, but this is definitely an eye opener. Makes me reevaluate some of my priorities for sure.
  8. No, I haven't. I haven't been around him at all for a couple years now. He seemed decent enough back in the day. Pisses me off though, especially living right up the street from you, definitely not something I expected in this area. I guess it isn't what it was 15 years ago.
  9. This is coming up this Tuesday I believe. Just a reminder to anyone who wanted to watch it. Some of these people look pretty batshit crazy, but I wouldn't mind picking up some tips hahaha.
  10. Been wanting to try this :megusta:
  11. Some of the stuff is pretty on the money. Dr. Pepper is hard to replicate, but their version is still pretty good. The energy drink tastes just like Red Bull, the orange soda is spot on, and the root beer was pretty good as well. That's about all I've tried so far. They've got some other like fruity carbonated water stuff too. The girlfriend wants to try those haha.
  12. Mine only fits the single liter and smaller bottles. I got it for Christmas, so I'm not sure how much the machine was, but it came with a pretty nice sized CO2 can and some samples. I picked up a Dr.Pete (Dr.Pepper) syrup bottle and it was $5 give or take a dollar. I think it said the bottle makes ~33 liter bottles, depending on how much syrup you use on each. I can also say that the recommended amount of carbonation wasn't enough for me. It came out a little flat, so I put a few extra pumps in each bottle. I'll probably run out of CO2 sooner, but whatever.
  13. This said, this thread prompted me to pop MW3 in for the first time today in over a month. Second match of TDM I went 33-4. Still got it :fuckyeah:
  14. If it's anything like Bad Company 2, sniping is just the sweetest part in the entire uniworld. There's actual bullet travel and drop, so you have to compensate for that when sniping from a distance. Also, you can take out helicopter pilots with your sniper rifle...so epic. That said, the rounds where I got the most kills were when I had my ghillie suit on and ran around with a shotgun instead of a sniper rifle. Just hiding in bushes until people come by (in the middle of combat), pop out and HEADSHOT BITCH. Then I'd trot along to another hiding spot blowing people away on my way.
  15. The man in the second video in question survived, did he not? :gabe:
  16. I see your Freeones, and raise you this... :nws:http://video.xnxx.com/?k=got+gisele:nws:
  17. I think we need to take into consideration what the video doesn't show. If you look closely at :46-:47 after FIVE rounds (maybe they didn't all hit), the guy is still on his feet. Again, look closely and you'll see his hoodie above the Black Hyundai at :46-:47 after the first volley. If he was still up after five rounds, I don't think it would be a stretch to imagine that he was still trying to get up while on the ground behind the car, during the second round of shots. I was kind of thinking it was a bit excessive as well. But after watching it a few times, dude wasn't going down, and they had to do what they had to do.
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