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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. No no. More what Zack was saying. I knew I wasn't completely crazy.
  2. Meh, it was something I read online a long time ago. Oh well haha.
  3. You guys should see if it's on Netflix!
  4. I've honestly ran into more problems with CM7 ROMs than I have with various Sense 2.1/3.0/3.5/hybrid ROMs on my Bolt.
  5. Ehhh...I'm not terribly impressed with the specs. I didn't really get to play with one, but I also didn't like how light it was when I did get to hold it for a minute. Also, while I do really like ASOP, I like to have the option of running Sense if I want to. See that's the problem though. I want good backup phone I can depend on in the event whatever phone I'm using really bites it. One way or another I'm getting a new phone. I just have to decide if it's going to be a new Thunderbolt through Asurion, or if someone can hook me up with a coupon, I'll go with a new one. I'll still consider the Nexus (especially since I'll have another upgrade this summer), but the Rezound has the better specs, and is a smidge cheaper. I'm really glad I didn't throw the new ICS ROM on my Bolt to play with, and then have this happen. I'd be ultron screwed.
  6. I feel like it gets a bad rep from a lot of people, but I really enjoyed it. It was one of (if not the) first movies filmed in HD. So definitely check it out on Blu-Ray if you get the chance.
  7. Alright, so the "Up Volume" button on my Thunderbolt has started to stick. I'm not entirely sure why. It was fine earlier today, and I haven't dropped it since then. I'm thinking that because of this, I'm stuck on the ROM I'm currently running. Those of you that are Rooted/ROM'd see the issue with this. Not only this, but its annoying as hell when trying to turn my ringer volume down, media volume, etc. It's obviously not impossible (can still use the menu), but it's very annoying. My question is, what do I do now? I could use my insurance and get a CPO Thunderbolt (I'm assuming they're still giving them out). However, that requires paying my $99 (RIDICULOUS) deductible. I read online that Verizon now does trade-in's on phones. I appraised mine on their website (only parameters being that you can turn it on, the screen works, and it isn't cracked) and I would get $99 for it. I could use this to put towards the full price of a new phone, most likely the Rezound. Does anyone know of any coupons out now that I could use to lower the full cost of a phone more? Which would you go with and why? I suppose it makes more sense to go with the CPO Thunderbolt, and wait patiently until July for my upgrade. The uber phone nerd in me wants to say screw that, get a phone now, and have a sweet backup phone (Rezound) for when I upgrade to something not even released yet in July.
  8. I'm dumb. So is this basketball game though. I stopped watching at 27-20 (or something), I turn back and it's a blowout.
  9. One7one sold it out for their CD release back in '03 if that counts haha. I wish those guys could get their shit back together. Also, digging this music. I immediately thought Mumford and Sons when I started watching the House of Gold video.
  10. Maybe he took some classes at the Lydell Ross School of East Coast-West Coast running?
  11. Honestly, I think that last drive is more embarrassing than anything. Why did we have to wait till we were down by 2 touchdowns with next to no time left to play that well? Why wasn't the play calling like that all game? I'd bet Urban is livid right now.
  12. My girlfriend had the extended battery on hers. It looked surprisingly less awful than I thought it would, and it lasted for days. I was a little disappointed in the EVO 3D, I thought you could make the screen 3D at all times, not just for the camera/movies.
  13. The tats match up, it's her. She also mentions having a Corvette, which you can see in the link posted.
  14. Thanks everyone! Tim, I'm sending LJ a PM now.
  15. She has been pretty lazy all day. She's actually eating a bit right now, and I've been giving her ice cubes all day. I don't think a shower or anything would work, it takes two of us to keep her in the tub for baths hahaha.
  16. Thanks for the quick reply. The reassurance is comforting, haha I can't imagine how I'll feel if I ever have a kid. If the vet isn't open today, I'll assume they won't be open tomorrow either. If she's still acting like this on Monday then I'll make an appointment for sure.
  17. My Husky seems like she's got a cold. Her nose is runny, and she seems to be snorting her mucus kind of like a human would if they were going to spit it out. She's been sneezing as well. Also, when she yawns, she's not opening her mouth as wide as usual or sticking her tongue out. Leading me to believe she's got a sore throat. Now before you say, "call the vet," I did and they aren't open today. I'm not even sure if this warrants a visit to the vet, or if it will just run it's course. I don't want to take the chance though, so any input is very much appreciated.
  18. Nice, that's on my short list as well. If you have any "means" of getting Final Cut, it's a GREAT software. Only reason I wish I had a Mac.
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