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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. I thought for sure this was a photoshop...till I looked it up. EPIC!
  2. Alright guys, I'm looking for the best deal around. I just recently bought my mom a new TV for Christmas (little early I know), so she wants to upgrade to HD cable, probably a DVR, and she would like to keep it all in a bundle. Currently she's got insight, and she's been looking at the Direct TV bundles. I'm a little weary of satellite, and I haven't always heard great things about AT&T internet. I don't know if either of these will be an issue for her, but since she's tasked me with figuring this out for her, I want to get her a quality product for her money. Thanks guys!
  3. Bigbird

    gift ideas?

    Etsy FTW!! My girl loves that stuff. This year I'm probably going to get her a Coach purse/handbag so she never has to go back to that shady ass flea market on the east side. I might throw a Charles Penzone gift card in there so I don't feel guilty for just getting her one thing.
  4. That first Mustang's euro tail lights CAN'T be DOT approved.
  5. Just took this on my way to a family shindig. http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/311415_752245801727_50611087_35396612_1878066221_n.jpg
  6. Wayne Stanley confirms that it was a done deal weeks ago. He's my guy, so take it as fact.
  7. Layla http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/316352_2134276203230_1435800213_32088030_1235217143_n.jpg R.J (Rumple Junior), his dad was a purebred Siberian Husky (passed away before he was born), mom is a Beagle mix http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/307040_2134278683292_1435800213_32088032_579246396_n.jpg
  8. I've got to comment on the dildo-esque shift knob. Sooo...what's with the dildo knob?
  9. Not so funny thing is... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r51C1DVSvRs Fast forward to about 30 seconds. The sound is absolutely horrible, but I think you can still hear them.
  10. http://ppsh-41.tumblr.com/post/13145143504/entire-tamriel-landmass-built-into-skyrim OMGato! All of Tamriel in one game? Yes please! I doubt that Bethesda would actually do this, bit hopefully modders can take advantage of this, kind of like Morrowblivion. This would be beyond cool.
  11. Full disclosure, I'm playing on my 40" Philips TV. So I couldn't go higher than 1080p if I wanted to. This right here is the main advantage I'm seeing on my PC right now. I've even heard of others on PC with really long loading times. Even loading the main world is very fast for me, 5ish seconds.
  12. I built my PC last spring almost specifically for this game. Fortunately I overestimated what would be needed to max this out and it runs buttery smooth. Max settings, 1080p :megusta:
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=a5SQuCl9sT0 :lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy:
  14. A lot of reputable people have also squashed these rumors, while going on to say that it is going to happen, it just hasn't yet.
  15. Subaru BRZ/Scion FR-S...200hp and ~2600lbs. The Scion is projected to sell in the low 20k's. If this is true, it really makes it hard to justify the Fiat if its going to be in the same price range. I love quirky kind of unique cars, which makes the Abarth really appealing. I just think they're pricing (even the base) the 500 just a bit too high for what you get.
  16. If Urban comes, Miller wins a Heisman. TAKE IT TO THE BANK!
  17. Why did Maetzold get kicked off TV a few years back? I was pretty good friends with his son in high school, so I always felt bad asking.
  18. The OS names are going through the alphabet A-Z with dessert style names. Off the top of my head, Eclair, Froyo (Frozen Yogurt), Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich.
  19. You really don't HAVE to play the earlier games, there's a bunch of books throughout the game and some of them explain earlier events in the series. That said, Oblivion and Skyrim are very similar and Morrowind is a completely different game (comparatively). Morrowind is heavily based on "stats". So at a low level you'll be swinging away at some stupid ass rat, and you might only hit it once out of 10 times even though you should physically be hitting it. They're all really great games though. Oh, and Morrowind is backwards compatible, however I've heard the emulation isn't the best.
  20. Just picked this up after work. I've managed to play for almost 2 hours now and I've accomplished next to nothing. I'm just now getting to Riverwood and it's the middle of the night. I looked up at the huge mountain just East of the town and saw what looked like a dragon flying in the sky. Scared the CRAP out of me, as I've heard they can attack at any time. I absolutely love this series. I can't tell you how many hours I dumped into Morrowind in high school, and again, completed next to nothing. Same with Oblivion.
  21. EVO will have more bloatware than you'll want, but I'm sure you'll have no problem rooting and ROM'ing. That said, I'd still get a Nexus if you can.
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