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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. http://images.memegenerator.net/instances/280x280/9745205.jpg
  2. Ahhh, the Vickie Mendoza Diagonal. The Bro Code never fails.
  3. This. So much. I didn't get to watch the whole thing, but I was following it off and on during the evening. Finally got to watch the end of the 3rd quarter on and it was quite a show. Absolutely insane.
  4. Wait a tick, Wilson throws an INT. Michigan State has the ball back.
  5. They are back within 7, with 7 minutes to go and are getting the ball back. Game isn't over yet. A close all with an exposed team could potentially set us up for the upset next week...probably not, but I can dream haha.
  6. Wisconsin getting bitch slapped right now. Me no likey. I don't want them having any more reason to come in here next week and curb stomp us.
  7. I call this being a college kid, this is news?
  8. I'm reading now that it's only going to be 1.2Ghz with a 1750mah battery, a little bit of a let down, but I don't think it'll make that big of a difference. Also heard it was a bit laggy?
  9. Now he's got a place to stay and food to eat? :gabe:
  10. I've used Frontline on my pup, and it seems to work pretty well. However she does spend a decent amount of time outside (walks, dog park, etc) so by the end of the one month cycle they seem to come back. I also give her flea baths to try and help with it. Also, I've started looking into something called Sentinel. It's a combined flea and worm medicine tablet. I'm not sure if they make it for cats though.
  11. Pretty much this. I want ICS more than the phone.
  12. :megusta::megusta: What sucks is I don't have an upgrade and I can't imagine how much this thing would be full price.
  13. Dude, I hung out with Hitler one time. I'm telling you bro, he was totally misunderstood. Good guy for sure!
  14. Bigbird

    Sons of Anarchy

    This, I had to torrent the first 4 episodes, and now I'm behind again. Love that show though.
  15. Ugh, so much want. This is in way better shape than my old one that had less miles. GLWS.
  16. Was expecting that to be super gay... http://soshable.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Everything_went_better_than_expected.png
  17. I hear dead acres/haunted hoochie is the place to go.
  18. Bigbird

    Lawyer Help

    Thanks! I had him leave a message.
  19. Bigbird

    Lawyer Help

    I can't remember which member on here, but I wanna say its PDQGP, but they said their wife is an attourney. My buddy is having some issues with the city of Columbus saying he didn't pay taxes, but he's got almost all of his information. He just needs someone to talk to to see where he stands. The help is appreciated!
  20. Account suspended. I don't even get the whole dupstep thing. I love a lot of the remixes, until the whole WUBWUBWUBWUBWUB thing starts and then it just doesn't sound at all like the rest of the song. I don't know, maybe it's over my head.
  21. Was the first thing I did. Its been good so far since wiping the battery stats. I want a Prime so bad...2000mah battery :masturboy: (rumored)
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