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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Bigbird

    deer meat

    That's bullshit. I've never gotten to try venison :no:
  2. Apparently 1500hp isn't that easy to put down, who knew?
  3. Could you IMAGINE JoePa's Twitter?!?! That would be epic!
  4. The fuck was he doing with his arm though? Possessed by Liquid Snake?
  5. This. So, so, so much this. I can't even bring myself to read it honestly. And I have to disagree with Phil, 100%. It doesn't matter if he did what he "legally" needed to do. The fact of the matter is that he's a COACH. Being a coach means going beyond the normal duties of some regular boss. You're a mentor to young men. And with that territory comes the moral responsibility to protect young people from situations EXACTLY LIKE THIS, at all cost. Beyond your moral responsibility as a mentor to young people, it's your responsibility as a human being to do whatever you can to stop something like this from happening. I'm 23 years old, I don't have kids, I admittedly don't even have that many real responsibilities in life yet. This though, this makes me sick. I've always admired JoePa, but the bottom line is that he allowed children to be taken advantage of in unimaginable ways. And for that he should rot. Edit: Color me shocked, disappointed in Penn State as an organization, and disgusted.
  6. I think I ate your chocolate squirrel.
  7. WHAAAAAT?!?! There's always time to fap :masturboy:
  8. Hoping this is a step up in quality over BLOPS. I barely lasted 6 months with that garbage hit detection before I went back to MW2. I could theoretically be working anywhere from 8:30-4am tonight, so hopefully it's at the earlier end of that spectrum and I can go pick this up.
  9. I heard 13 months, which would be December of next year. Very disappointing since it already looks pretty far along in development. There are some pretty massive spoilers out there on the internet if you go looking. They were posted on 4chan just before the trailer came out, by a guy claiming he worked for Rockstar, so take it for what it's worth. However, a lot of what he said matched up with the trailer pretty well. And he did say that the gang wars would be back.
  10. I'll have an Audi some day. Fo'sho.
  11. Haha I know, just fucking with you. OoOoOoOo! Sounds like you're making some progress based on when I last talked to you. I'm leaking again, but come tax return time I'm getting the Spearco TMIC (assuming it's finished by then) and you WILL TUNE MY CAR!
  12. I'm obviously very excited. I'm hoping they take a step back so to speak and go towards the over-the-top feel that the series used to have. IV was great, but the cars felt ridiculously slow. Even the ones that were supposed to be like Ferrari's made a ton of noise but didn't really feel like they were going anywhere. It looks promising though.
  13. http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/19341/grand-theft-auto-v-trailer-110211.html Holy fucking shit balls ass fuck jesus tittyfucking christ dammit cock sphincter!
  14. Happy birthday, broham. I miss your musk...no homo.
  15. YES!!! Haha I wanted to do this so bad, but didn't think of it in time. I was Jimmy T, I'll get a pic up later. Some guy at big bar thought I was the manager and asked me for a menu and got pissed when I was all WTF?!
  16. He's saying that using your phone to tether for a console takes up a huge amount of data. The phone companies see that you're using THAT much data and know something is up. It's bullshit when you have an "unlimited" data plan and they still try to restrict you, but it is what it is.
  17. That's shitty... The V6 Camaro wouldn't be a bad daily if you were looking for something more exciting than your general Civic or other daily. 30mpg is more than enough for me, and I love the looks of all the new pony cars. However, if the engine issues are really that bad then you know the answer as far as the Camaro is concerned.
  18. You could make a BADASS "Getaway in Stockholm" movie with that thing.
  19. Hahaha ok, that got me. I was going to make some kind of Cincinnati remark, but that was good. Josh, very cool pictures!
  20. Pretty sure that is just a promo picture (PhotoShop) put out by the university to ptomote the "Scarlet Out". Very cool either way, and it would definitely be awesome if it ended up looking like that.
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