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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Get your logic and reason the fuck out of here!
  2. Thanks guys, I've used Final Gear many a time. I'm just obsessed with BBC America HD now that I finally have it haha. Thanks for the link though!
  3. Will this be on BBC America, or are they still a season behind or whatever?
  4. Anyone have any insight on a more traditional HD camcorder? I used to have an old Mini DV camcorder, but haven't had anything since then besides a cell phone and I'm thinking about picking something up. Just not sure what's good in the market these days.
  5. Along with what everyone else has said, Lindsay Acura is definitely worth the drive. It's been a few years since I've dealt with them. Though, I can say that back when I bought my RSX Type-S there, they treated me with a lot of respect. Something you don't encounter a lot at dealerships when you're young (was 19 at the time). If I was ever in the market for another Honda/Acura, Lindsay would have my business.
  6. Kind of the same situation here. One of my dad's friends wanted to hook me up with their daughter, except I didn't get to see her before hand. Also, I was like 15 and she was maybe 13? She looked really really young, which was weird even at that age. We went to Magic Mountain and did that whole deal. She was awkward and quiet, I was awkward and annoyed. Didn't ever talk to her again or anything. Fast forward to this summer and my Dad has a Facebook. Saw her parents on there so I decided to creep. Turns out she's a college volleyball player and looks DAMN good. Shoulda played for the future :fa:
  7. The tall brunette chick would get it. Fo' sho.
  8. R8+snow= nocturnal emissions
  9. Just use one of the online wiki's. UESP.net has been around forever, but I'm sure if you google you'll find multiple. You can usually search by quest as well.
  10. This would have been a LOT funnier if it was a Subaru.
  11. Get a fucking room. Good lord.
  12. Which is a lot like the Thunderbolt, so then the Sensation is a lot like the Thunderbolt?
  13. Ridiculous. I'm never leaving my mom's family plan. We've been grandfathered through so much shit. A similar plan to what you're looking at I think cost's us $130ish?
  14. You have to get the European one and then use it on Tmobile. HTC Sensation 4g should be pretty similar to my Thunderbolt. Rooted and ROM'd its a pretty good phone.
  15. Nevermind, Insight is her only option. How is that kosher?
  16. No shit? That's awful. RIP
  17. All that comes up with is Insight, so does that mean she's basically fucked as far as choosing another service goes?
  18. If anything, just calling us "State" would make more sense, and line up more with what he's trying to achieve in not referencing us directly. Although, maybe he does this for Michigan State? Idk, dude's a cock gobbler.
  19. Thanks for the input fellas. I'm definitely thinking it would be easier to lean her towards just getting an upgraded package with insight. That would be a whole lot less installation and hassle for her. I'll probably do like you guys said and call them up and say we can get this, this, and this for this amount from Direct TV and we're gonna switch unless you can give us a better deal.
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