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Everything posted by granda080

  1. granda080


    My boss worked for them and hated it. He said they could care less about their employees he quit after 4 miserable months. The shortest job he ever had by a long shot. Our school uses their services and they are spotty at best (they don't fulfill all of their contractual obligations). They come out weekly. The one guy is friendly and does a good job, but the other random people suck and are usually a hot mess.
  2. I thought every vehicle in Piqua was a dually...
  3. Lol, since no was present...lady was referencing guy saying, "How does this happen? Especially after all the shootings." Reporter lady was fear envoking, as the news loves to do, implying that this weapon could be used by someone to shoot up the dance studio. Carry on...
  4. Right. But your personal doesn't want to cover it either because they would view it as an auto accident and say your auto insurance should cover it. Does that sound abut right?...out of pocket and broke forever lol
  5. I thought that if you go to the hospital due to a car/bike accident your vehicle insurance is going to get charged for your expenses, not your personal insurance.
  6. Do you still have openings for this?
  7. Ummi think that moose knuckler deflated that dudes legs.
  8. Real question...what isn't a ninja bear? Pizza Hut only let's you type about 25 digits so you don't have too much flexibility.
  9. Pretty self explanatory...ninja bear. Not exactly what I had in mind but whatever lol. The delivery girl was bummed someone else drew it. She drew the rhino last time.
  10. Thanks...I need to redue the CL ad...it doesn't seem to be right either.
  11. bump...someone has to want/need, or know someone who in need of, a really nice clean truck at a WAY below market value.
  12. Thanks so much for the suit! I'm stoked it all worked out.
  13. Glad you made it safely. It got a bit crazy fo sho
  14. Just a possibility https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/Fraud-phishing-and-spoof/Latest-fraudulent-scam-about-buying-your-car-from-Craigslist/td-p/90880 FYI paypal only covers you if you have the vehicle shipped. They will not protect you if the item is picked up.
  15. That's great man. Keep up the practice. Be safe and have fun.
  16. LOL, I saw you as you were leaving. You were riding with another bike, you had just gone by Speedway. I was going in the opposite direction. Welcome to OR. Hope you learned a lot at your course!
  17. You didn't take your course in Troy did you? I could have sworn I saw this bike today.
  18. I love that it is titled as the International.
  19. I love my FZ6, but it may be challenging for you to get on and off. It is a pretty tall bike. The FZ6 is a good all around bike. It does lots of things well, but nothing great. Gear it down one in the front and it is way more enjoyable. I had a blast with it at the Gap. Maybe FZ6R, they are shorter, but mostly the same bike with the exceptions on the fairings (though I don't like them). Both have upright feet positions.
  20. Im hoping a crash diet for a week will ensure this fits lol
  21. I had a friend in Dayton, down off Watervillette, have this same problem. Older house and the line out to the sewer was breaking down. Craziest thing the city came out and inspected the whole block and deemed it necessary that they all be replaced at full expense to the owners. They could have the city do it or hire a private company. Gave them all a year to rectify. Cost her 3-4k.
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